The Origin of X-shaped Radio Galaxies: Clues from the Z-symmetric Secondary Lobes [PDF]
Astrophys.J.594:L103,2003, 2003Existing radio images of a few X-shaped radio galaxies reveal Z-symmetric morphologies in their weaker secondary lobes which cannot be naturally explained by either the galactic merger or radio-lobe backflow scenarios, the two dominant models for these X-shaped radio sources.
Charmandaris V.+9 more
arxiv +11 more sources
On the origin of X-shaped radio-sources: new insights from the properties of their host galaxies [PDF]
Astron.Astrophys. 394 (2002) 39-46, 2002A significant fraction of extended radio sources presents a peculiar X-shaped radio morphology: in addition to the classical double lobed structure, radio emission is also observed along a second axis of symmetry in the form of diffuse wings or tails. We re-examine the origin of these extensions relating the radio morphology to the properties of their ...
A. Capetti+20 more
arxiv +11 more sources
X-shaped radio galaxies as observational evidence for the interaction of supermassive binary black holes and accretion disk at pc scale [PDF]
Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 347 (2004) 1357, 2003A supermassive black hole binary may form during galaxy mergering. we investigate the interaction of the supermassive binary black holes (SMBBHs) and an accretion disk and show that the detected X-shaped structure in some FRII radio galaxies may be due to the interaction-realignment of inclined binary and accretion disk occurred within the pc scale of ...
F. K. Liu, Sudou
arxiv +10 more sources
Discovery of X-shaped Morphology of the Giant Radio Galaxy GRG 0503-286 [PDF]
A&A 660, L10 (2022), 2022The high surface-brightness sensitivity of the GLEAM survey image of the giant radio galaxy GRG 0503-28 at 70-230 MHz has revealed an inversion-symmetric bending of its two lobes, while maintaining between their bent portions a ~200 kpc wide strip-like radio emission gap.
Dabhade, Pratik, Gopal-Krishna
arxiv +11 more sources
The X-shaped radio galaxy J0725+5835 is associated with an AGN pair [PDF]
The Astrophysical Journal, 2022X-shaped radio galaxies (XRGs) are those that exhibit two pairs of unaligned radio lobes (main radio lobes and "wings"), one of the promising models for the peculiar morphology is jet re-orientation. To clarify it, we conducted the European VLBI Network (EVN) 5 GHz observation of an XRG J0725+5835, which resembles the archetypal binary AGNs 0402+379 in
An, Tao+8 more
arxiv +10 more sources
The optical spectra of X-shaped radio galaxies [PDF]
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010X-shaped radio galaxies are defined by their peculiar large-scale radio morphology. In addition to the classical double-lobed structure they have a pair of low-luminosity wings that straddles the nucleus at almost right angles to the active lobes, thus giving the impression of an 'X'.
Aars+55 more
exaly +9 more sources
Simulations of Precessing Jets and the Formation of X-shaped Radio Galaxies [PDF]
The Astrophysical Journal, 2023Jet precession is sometimes invoked to explain asymmetries in radio galaxy (RG) jets and “X/S/Z-shaped” RGs, caused by the presence of a binary black hole companion to the source active galactic nucleus or by accretion instabilities.
Chris Nolting, Jay Ball, Tri M. Nguyen
doaj +8 more sources
Restarting engine in an X-shaped radio galaxy [PDF]
arXiv, 2008J2018-556, an X-shaped FR-I radio galaxy provides a unique opportunity to discuss the formation scenarios for the extended structures seen in this class of radio sources. An understanding of the origin of X-shaped source structures has important implications for radio galaxy models as well as black hole-black hole mergers.
Lakshmi Saripalli+3 more
arxiv +10 more sources
X-shaped radio galaxy 3C 223.1: A 'double boomerang' with an anomalous spectral gradient [PDF]
A&A 663, L8 (2022), 2022A comparison of the recent LOFAR 144 MHz map of the radio source 3C 223.1 (J094124.028+394441.95) with the VLA maps at 4.9 GHz and 8.3 GHz that we built based on archival data, establishes this X-shaped radio galaxy (XRG) as a singularly robust case where the 'wings' exhibit a distinctly flatter radio spectrum than the primary lobes. The details of its
null Gopal Krishna, Pratik Dabhade
arxiv +7 more sources
Orientation and size of the `Z' in `X'-shaped radio galaxies [PDF]
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2005Some X-shaped radio galaxies show a Z-symmetric morphology in the less luminous secondary lobes. Within the scenario of a merger between two galaxies, each hosting a supermassive black hole in its center, this structure has been explained before: As the ...
Begelman+49 more
core +8 more sources