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Towards Sustainable Development Goal 7 “Universal Access to Clean Modern Energy”: National Strategy in Rwanda to Scale Clean Cooking with Bottled Gas [PDF]
More than 90% of Rwandans rely on polluting solid fuels to meet their cooking needs. The negative impacts on health, climate, and the environment have led the Rwandan government to set a target of halving that number to 42% by 2024.
Iva Čukić+4 more
doaj +4 more sources
What's next for the Sustainable Development Goals? Synergy and trade-offs in affordable and clean energy (SDG 7) [PDF]
This Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 7) analysis addresses critical challenges through three questions, backed by literature and evidence. Environmental, social, and governance concerns were discussed.
Brindha Ramasubramanian+1 more
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Physicalizing Sustainable Development Goals Data: An Example with SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) [PDF]
In 2015, all members of the United Nations adopted the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development (SD). Seventeen (17) goals (SDGs) were formulated towards peace and prosperity for people and the planet. However, concerns have been raised about whether these sustainable goals can be achieved by 2030. Communicating advances regarding SDGs to citizens in an
Rick van Loenhout+3 more
core +5 more sources
Over the time, in driving human welfare in Nigeria, the country has been consuming little clean energy relative to other sub-Saharan African nations. This has raised a critical concern for the policymakers and scholars in the recent times.
Misery M. Sikwela, Timothy A. Aderemi
doaj +3 more sources
Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7) - Affordable and Clean Energy: Sarawak scenario [PDF]
The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 7 seeks to ensure universal access to affordable and clean energy for all. This paper reviews the progress and challenges related to SDG 7 implementation by focusing on Sarawak, Malaysia. To produce the energy needed to attract investments to propel its economy, Sarawak leverages on constructing mega ...
Timoti Chundi+2 more
core +4 more sources
SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy [PDF]
AbstractReaching affordable, clean, sustainable, modern and reliable energy is the main aim of the Sustainable Development Goal 7. Energy is placed at the centre of environmental and economic issues. Despite this significance, 20% of people living worldwide cannot access electricity in 2021. Adaptation towards SDG-7, Affordable and Clean Energy, brings
Sinan Küfeoğlu
openalex +2 more sources
Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are surging worldwide due to technology improvements in lithium-based batteries and rising petroleum prices. India’s EV30@30 campaign aggressively penetrate the Electric vehicle and target share by 30% in 2030 ...
S. Vengatesan+2 more
doaj +3 more sources
Access to clean energy is necessary for environmental cleanliness and poverty reduction. That notwithstanding, many in developing countries especially those in sub-Saharan Africa region lack clean energy for their routine domestic activities.
Paul Adjei Kwakwa+2 more
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SDG 7, Affordable and Clean Energy
As members of the Outstanding Scholars Candidate Program, we were encouraged to delve deeper into the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 7: Affordable and Clean Energy. Energy is something we often take for granted in our lives, but it is estimated that 13% of the world does not have access to any form of energy.
Huadong Guo
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Access to clean energy in Africa revisited: The roles of women empowerment, corruption control, FDI and sectoral growth. [PDF]
One of the key contributors to climate change is energy consumption, with the type of energy used having implications on the natural environment and health of users.
Kwame Adjei-Mantey+2 more
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