Results 1 to 10 of about 2,578 (179)

Preanalytical, Analytical and Postanalytical Analyses on Corynebacterium spp. and Actinomycetaceae in Urine Samples of Patients with Suspected Urinary Tract Infection—A Hypothesis-Forming Observational Study [PDF]

open access: goldDiagnostics
A hypothesis-forming exploratory cross-sectional assessment was conducted to assess the occurrence and relevance of Gram-positive rod-shaped bacteria like Corynebacterium spp. and Actinomycetaceae in human urine samples. In total, 1170 urine samples from
Hagen Frickmann   +3 more
doaj   +6 more sources


open access: bronzeJournal of Bacteriology, 1919
In a paper, recently published but written early in 1917 (Breed, Conn and Baker, 1918), the authors criticised some of the ideas underlying the report presented by the Committee on Characterization and Classification appointed by the Society of American ...
H. J. Conn, R. S. Breed
semanticscholar   +4 more sources


open access: bronzeJournal of Bacteriology, 1920
Almost simultaneously with the publication of our previous paper with this title (Breed and Conn, 1919) our attention was called to the publication of an article by Merrill and Wade (1919).
R. S. Breed, H. J. Conn
semanticscholar   +5 more sources

Rapid identification of Actinomycetaceae and related bacteria [PDF]

open access: greenJournal of Clinical Microbiology, 1978
Identification of new isolates belonging to the family Actinomycetaceae requires extensive numbers of biochemical tests, supplemented with gas-liquid chromatography determination of fermentation end products and, often, analysis of cell wall composition. This paper describes the results of the testing of 162 strains of Actinomycetaceae and related taxa
Mogens Kilian
semanticscholar   +6 more sources

Phylogenomics and Evolutionary Dynamics of the Family Actinomycetaceae [PDF]

open access: greenGenome Biology and Evolution, 2014
The family Actinomycetaceae comprises several important pathogens that impose serious threat to human health and cause substantial infections of economically important animals. However, the phylogeny and evolutionary dynamic of this family are poorly characterized.
Ting Huang   +7 more
semanticscholar   +6 more sources

Comparison of Vitek MS and MALDI Biotyper for Identification of Actinomycetaceae of Clinical Importance [PDF]

open access: bronzeJournal of Clinical Microbiology, 2016
ABSTRACT The Vitek MS in vitro diagnostic (IVD) and MALDI Biotyper IVD systems were evaluated for the identification of 158 strains of Actinomycetaceae . Correct species-level identification rates of 60.7% and 58.2% were obtained with the Vitek MS system after direct deposit and ...
Janina Ferrand   +6 more
semanticscholar   +6 more sources

Cultivation of Peptidiphaga gingivicola from subgingival plaque: The first representative of a novel genus of Actinomycetaceae [PDF]

open access: greenMolecular Oral Microbiology, 2017
SummaryA novel bacterium was isolated from the subgingival plaque of a patient with periodontal disease. Bacterial strain BA112T is a facultative Gram‐positive coccus. It metabolizes alanine, arginine, glycine, histidine, leucine, proline, serine and tyrosine, but does not appear to use carbohydrates.
Eugene J. Leys   +4 more
semanticscholar   +5 more sources

A Numerical Taxonomic Study of Members of the Actinomycetaceae and Related Taxa [PDF]

open access: bronzeMicrobiology, 1981
Two hundred and twenty-two representatives of the Actinomycetaceae and related taxa, including reference cultures, received strains and fresh isolates, were tested using 124 unit characters. The data were examined using numerical taxonomic techniques with various coefficients and average linkage clustering; the variation in composition of the clusters ...
Klaus P. Schaal, Geraldine M. Schofield
semanticscholar   +5 more sources

Rothia, gen. nov. an aerobic genus of the family Actinomycetaceae [PDF]

open access: bronzeInternational Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 1967
SUMMARY Rothia gen. nov. (Actinomycetaceae) is proposed as the name of a monotypic genus with the species Rothia dentocariosus comb. nov. (basionym Actinomyces dentocariosus Onisi 1949), synonyms Nocardia dentocariosus (Onisi) Roth 1957; Nocardia salivae Davis and Freer 1960, No strain of Onisi's original isolates is extant. ATCC 17931 is described and
Lucille K. Georg, June M. Brown
semanticscholar   +4 more sources

A two sample mendelian randomization analysis investigates causal effects between gut microbiome and immune related Vasculitis [PDF]

open access: yesScientific Reports
Observational data suggest a link between gut microbiota and immune-related vasculitis, but causality remains unclear. A bidirectional mendelian randomization study was conducted using public genome-wide data.
Si Chen   +7 more
doaj   +3 more sources

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