Results 1 to 10 of about 360,688 (370)

Effect of minimally invasive autopsy and ethnic background on acceptance of clinical postmortem investigation in adults. [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2020
ObjectivesAutopsy rates worldwide have dropped significantly over the last five decades. Imaging based autopsies are increasingly used as alternatives to conventional autopsy (CA).
I M Wagensveld   +5 more
doaj   +2 more sources

Verbal Autopsy Methods with Multiple Causes of Death [PDF]

open access: yesStatistical Science 2008, Vol. 23, No. 1, 78-91, 2008
Verbal autopsy procedures are widely used for estimating cause-specific mortality in areas without medical death certification. Data on symptoms reported by caregivers along with the cause of death are collected from a medical facility, and the cause-of-death distribution is estimated in the population where only symptom data are available.
King, Gary, Lu, Ying
arxiv   +5 more sources

Autopsy in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: pathological and clinical agreement [PDF]

open access: yesJornal de Pediatria, 2022
Objectives: To evaluate neonatal autopsy rates at a tertiary hospital in southern Brazil ascertain the level of agreement between premortem and postmortem diagnosis. Methods: The authors reviewed all neonatal autopsies performed over a 10-year period and
Camila Penso   +7 more
doaj   +3 more sources

Barriers to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Autopsies, California [PDF]

open access: yesEmerging Infectious Diseases, 2004
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) surveillance relies on autopsy and neuropathologic evaluation. The 1990–2000 CJD autopsy rate in California was 21%. Most neurologists were comfortable diagnosing CJD (83%), but few pathologists felt comfortable diagnosing
Janice K. Louie   +6 more
doaj   +3 more sources

Using verbal autopsy to assess the prevalence of HIV infection among deaths in the ART period in rural Uganda: a prospective cohort study, 2006-2008 [PDF]

open access: yesPopulation Health Metrics, 2011
Background Verbal autopsy is important for detecting causes of death including HIV in areas with inadequate vital registration systems. Before antiretroviral therapy (ART) introduction, a verbal autopsy study in rural Uganda found that half of adult ...
Mugisha Joseph O   +7 more
doaj   +5 more sources

Risks of suicide among family members of suicide victims: A nationwide sample of South Korea

open access: yesFrontiers in Psychiatry, 2022
ObjectiveIdentifying the risks of completed suicide in suicide survivors is essential for policies supporting family members of suicide victims. We aimed to determine the suicide risk of suicide survivors and identify the number of suicides per 100,000 ...
Jihoon Jang   +18 more
doaj   +1 more source

Analysis of the role of autopsy teaching in the context of precision medicine [PDF]

open access: yesE3S Web of Conferences, 2021
Autopsy is the foundation of general anatomy teaching and learning, and an indispensable part of medical education, and anatomy is the cornerstone of medical courses.
Fan Yan, Feng Chengan
doaj   +1 more source

Virtual histological staining of unlabeled autopsy tissue [PDF]

open access: yesNature Communications (2024), 2023
Histological examination is a crucial step in an autopsy; however, the traditional histochemical staining of post-mortem samples faces multiple challenges, including the inferior staining quality due to autolysis caused by delayed fixation of cadaver tissue, as well as the resource-intensive nature of chemical staining procedures covering large tissue ...
arxiv   +1 more source

Undertaking cause-specific mortality measurement in an unregistered population: an example from Tigray Region, Ethiopia [PDF]

open access: yesGlobal Health Action, 2014
Background: The lack of adequate documentation of deaths, and particularly their cause, is often noted in African and Asian settings, but practical solutions for addressing the problem are not always clear.
Hagos Godefay   +4 more
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Predictive Factors Associated With Methods of Suicide: The Korean National Investigations of Suicide Victims (The KNIGHTS Study)

open access: yesFrontiers in Psychiatry, 2021
Background: Because the suicide mortality depends on the lethality of suicide methods, the identification and prediction of suicide methods are important for suicide prevention.Methods: Examination data of suicide decedents were collected based on police
Hyewon Kim   +8 more
doaj   +1 more source

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