Results 1 to 10 of about 143,572 (325)
Greater data science at baccalaureate institutions [PDF]
Donoho's JCGS (in press) paper is a spirited call to action for statisticians, who he points out are losing ground in the field of data science by refusing to accept that data science is its own domain. (Or, at least, a domain that is becoming distinctly defined.) He calls on writings by John Tukey, Bill Cleveland, and Leo Breiman, among others, to ...
Baumer, Benjamin S.+2 more
arxiv +5 more sources
Approaches to History Teaching According to a Structural Equation Model
Approaches to the teaching and learning of history imply a series of changes and improvements which are adapted to the new epistemological and disciplinary contexts.
Catalina Guerrero-Romera+2 more
doaj +1 more source
Design and validation of two tools to observe and analyze history lessons in secondary education
This article focuses on the validation of two data collection instruments, one is the History Class Observation Tool (HCOT) and the other is focus groups with students, trainee teachers and tutors from secondary school classrooms.
Pedro Miralles-Sánchez+2 more
doaj +1 more source
In Switzerland, baccalaureate school is still considered to be the royal road to a university education and the elite path for the social reproduction of the upper class.
Regula Julia Leemann+2 more
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Spirituality is particularly important in health and illness transitions and is a fundamental dimension of healthcare. However, nurses often feel underprepared to provide spiritual care and the use of dynamic and interactive strategies, such as ...
Juliane Cristina Rodrigues+5 more
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At present, there is a great deal of research demonstrating the educational potential of heritage for the teaching of history. However, relevant studies have shown that, although it is a resource which is widely valued by teachers, its incorporation into
Álvaro Chaparro-Sainz+3 more
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Structural Over-Determination of Education Reforms and Agency
This article attempts to conceptualise the relationship between the individual (professional) and the structural in a period of relatively radical changes in society.
Slavko Gaber, Veronika Tašner
doaj +1 more source
Trauma-Informed Educational Practices within the Undergraduate Nursing Classroom: A Pilot Study
Background: Ongoing evidence of trauma in nurses, beginning in nursing school, requires educators to take a trauma-informed approach to teaching and learning to minimize re-traumatization and to ultimately achieve socially-just student outcomes. Methods:
Kala Mayer+2 more
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Transdisciplinary AI Education: The Confluence of Curricular and Community Needs in the Instruction of Artificial Intelligence [PDF]
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into education has the potential to transform the way we learn and teach. In this paper, we examine the current state of AI in education and explore the potential benefits and challenges of incorporating this technology into the classroom.
arxiv +1 more source
Rankings Matter: Nurse Graduates from Higher-ranked Institutions Have Higher Productivity [PDF]
Background Increasing demand for baccalaureate-prepared nurses has led to rapid growth in the number of baccalaureate-granting programs, and to concerns about educational quality and potential effects on productivity of the graduating nursing workforce ...
Weiss, Marianne E., Yakusheva, Olga
core +2 more sources