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Modernist Drama and Referentiality: T.S. Eliot’s Sweeney Agonistes and Walter Benjamin’s Trauerspiel [PDF]

open access: yesЛитература двух Америк, 2022
“Words strain, / Crack and sometimes break, … will not stay in place, / Will not staystill” (Burnt Norton V). Using words and not being used by them is rare to Eliot’s thought tormented figures, from his drama Sweeney Agonistes to Four Quartets.
Giuliana Ferreccio
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The Effect of CO2 Enrichment on Leaf Anatomical Traits of Two Ficus Ornamental Species [PDF]

open access: yesMajallah-i ̒Ulum-i Bāghbānī, 2023
Introduction Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, the indiscriminate consumption of fossil fuels has led to a dramatic increase in the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
N. Zomorrodi   +3 more
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The pandemic as history [PDF]

open access: yesFilozofija i Društvo, 2021
The author finds the possibility of overcoming the current liberal-capitalist system in a different conception of time, which requires a different attitude towards both the past and the future. The paper begins with an analysis of the Benjamin’s
Milović Miroslav
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„Trauerspiel“. Die Schuld im Spiel. Spiel, Souveränität, Schuld, Einfühlung im Lichte Benjamins

open access: yesInternationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik, 2022
This article discusses the theatrical form named in German Trauerspiel (the baroque drama or mourning play), focusing on the constitutive elements of its concept – both play and mourning.
Massimo Palma
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Acontecimiento y fuerza diferencial. Benjamin-Hamacher-Derrida

open access: yesIsegoría, 2020
Se explora el vínculo entre fuerza, violencia y acontecimiento en la filosofía de Jacques Derrida, sosteniendo que dicha relación se inscribe en el corazón mismo del problema del sentido y de su performatividad.
Valeria Campos Salvaterra
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Benjamin’s Flu [PDF]

open access: yesArchitectural Theory Review, 2020
Walter Benjamin suffered from the Spanish Flu, but he never wrote about this global pandemic. There are three possible reasons for this oblivion, and several consequences for architecture’s relatio...
openaire   +3 more sources

Benjamin’s KISS: A Perspective on Music, Spectacle and Aura [PDF]

open access: yesIASPM Journal, 2016
This article explores the ontological significance of spectacle and imagery in rock music. The examination illuminates how the construct of a larger-than-life fantasy and a live performance spectacle creates a sense of auratic presence; in other words ...
Rob Ahlers
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Alegoria do drama moderno

open access: yesViso, 2013
Este artigo apresentará o conceito de alegoria – formulado pelo filósofo Walter Benjamin em Origem do drama trágico alemão – como uma categoria crítica que permite analisar não apenas o drama barroco do século XVII, mas também certa produção dramática do
Marcela Oliveira
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A poesia e a filosofia face ao indizível: do experimentum linguae em Giorgio Agamben

open access: yesFronteiraZ, 2020
O artigo busca entender o sentido do sintagma experimentum linguaepresente em textos escritos pelo filósofo italiano Giorgio Agamben entre os anos 1989-1990.
Claudio Oliveira
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Il barocco ‘cosale’ di Carlo Emilio Gadda

open access: yesComparatismi, 2017
In quest’articolo viene analizzato il concetto di barocco presentato da Carlo Emilio Gadda nella nota che accompagna il testo del suo ultimo romanzo: La cognizione del dolore.
Marco Carmello
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