Results 1 to 10 of about 740,953 (257)
Brief History of Ultra-light Scalar Dark Matter Models [PDF]
This is a review on the brief history of the scalar field dark matter model also known as fuzzy dark matter, BEC dark matter, wave dark matter, or ultra-light axion. In this model ultra-light scalar dark matter particles with mass m = O(10-22)eV condense
Lee Jae-Weon
doaj +4 more sources
Cold Dark Matter and Neutralinos [PDF]
Neutralinos are natural candidates for cold dark matter in many realizations of supersymmetry. We briefly review our recent results in the evaluation of neutralino relic abundance and direct detection rates in a class of supergravity models.Comment: 4 ...
Belli+11 more
core +6 more sources
Cold dark matter: Controversies on small scales. [PDF]
The cold dark matter (CDM) cosmological model has been remarkably successful in explaining cosmic structure over an enormous span of redshift, but it has faced persistent challenges from observations that probe the innermost regions of dark matter halos ...
Weinberg DH+4 more
europepmc +3 more sources
Annihilating Cold Dark Matter [PDF]
Matches version accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. Included the effect of adiabatic expansion. Some changes in the abstract.
Manoj Kaplinghat+2 more
openalex +5 more sources
Cold Dark Matter with MOND Scaling [PDF]
We provide a holographic dual description of Milgrom's scaling associated with galactic rotation curves. Our argument is based on the recent entropic reinterpretation of Newton's laws of motion.
't Hooft+30 more
core +5 more sources
Very weakly interacting slim particles (WISPs), such as axion-like particles (ALPs) or hidden photons (HPs), may be non-thermally produced via the misalignment mechanism in the early universe and survive as a cold dark matter population until today.
P. Arias+5 more
semanticscholar +9 more sources
Gravitational waves in cold dark matter [PDF]
We study the effects of cold dark matter on the propagation of gravitational waves of astrophysical and primordial origin. We show that the dominant effect of cold dark matter on gravitational waves from astrophysical sources is a small frequency ...
R. Flauger, S. Weinberg
semanticscholar +4 more sources
Hidden Hot Dark Matter as Cold Dark Matter [PDF]
We show that hidden hot dark matter, hidden-sector dark matter with interactions that decouple when it is relativistic, is a viable dark matter candidate provided it has never been in thermal equilibrium with the particles of the standard model.
Sigurdson, Kris
core +4 more sources
The Structure of cold dark matter halos [PDF]
High resolution N-body simulations show that the density profiles of dark matter halos formed in the standard CDM cosmogony can be fit accurately by scaling a simple “universal” profile.
J. Navarro, C. Frenk, S. White
semanticscholar +6 more sources
Cold dark matter heats up [PDF]
Draft review as submitted to Nature on 1 Oct 2013. Accepted version scheduled for publication on 13 Feb 2014.
A. Pontzen, F. Governato
semanticscholar +6 more sources