Results 1 to 10 of about 2,388,416 (184)

Historical Collaborative Geocoding

open access: yesISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2018
The latest developments in the field of digital humanities have increasingly enabled the construction of large data sets which can be easily accessed and used.
Rémi Cura   +5 more
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High Pulse: Exploring the Exhibit Features of a Collaborative, Whole-Body Exhibition for Experiential Learning in Science Centers

open access: yesFrontiers in Education, 2021
This research work explored how collaborative, whole-body exhibits affect science learning in informal out-of-school settings. Specifically, the study investigated how exhibit features guided visitors to engage actively in experiential exploration of the
Marianne Lykke   +2 more
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open access: yesInternational Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 2022
Interprofessional cooperation and teamwork among health professionals in the health care system are crucial for improving patient satisfaction and quality of health services.
Gora Miljanovic   +6 more
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Collaborative management: a sustainable natural tourism development model

open access: yesJurnal Pariwisata Pesona, 2022
In the development of natural tourism areas in the Sirah Kencong Tourism Area, the regional government of Blitar Regency, East Java Province has made various efforts and efforts. However, this effort still has some obstacles in its implementation.
Fitria Earlike Anwar Sani   +1 more
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A Supervisory-Based Collaborative Obstacle-Guided Path Refinement Algorithm for Path Planning in Wide Terrains

open access: yesIEEE Access, 2020
Robotic exploration of wide terrains, such as agricultural fields, could be challenging while considering the limited robot's capabilities in terms of sensing and power.
Mohamed G. B. Atia   +2 more
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Collaborative validation of GlobeLand30: Methodology and practices

open access: yesGeo-spatial Information Science, 2021
30-m Global Land Cover (GLC) data products permit the detection of land cover changes at the scale of most human land activities, and are therefore used as fundamental information for sustainable development, environmental change studies, and many other ...
Jun Chen   +9 more
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Towards a ‘Community for Practice’—A Narrative Analysis of the Evolution of Higher Education Scholars

open access: yesEducation Sciences, 2023
In higher education (HE), collaborative activities that revolve around a core idea, practice, or knowledge base, such as learning circles, communities of practice or inquiry, peer observation, and peer-assisted teaching, are known to support professional
Jennifer Scott   +7 more
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Partnering with Indigenous student co-researchers: improving research processes and outcomes [PDF]

open access: yesInternational Journal of Circumpolar Health, 2015
Objective: To examine the contribution of student co-researchers to a community-based participatory Photovoice investigation of Indigenous children's food-related lived experience.
Shelagh K. Genuis   +3 more
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Emergency and primary care collaboration during COVID-19 pandemic: A quick systematic review of reviews

open access: yesJournal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 2020
COVID-19 is one of the deadliest viral infections to have hit the planet. There is urgent need to bridge the gaps in handling this pandemic by methodically synthesising available literature through a unique holistic perspective.
Raman Kumar   +2 more
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Meningkatkan Pemahaman dan Mengembangkan Karakter Mahasiswa Melalui Pembelajaran Kolaboratif Berbasis Proyek

open access: yesKreano: Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif, 2016
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan pemahaman serta mengembangkan karakter mahasiswa melalui pembelajaran berbasis proyek. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus pada mahasiswa Program Studi Matematika ...
Putriaji Hendikawati   +2 more
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