Results 1 to 10 of about 3,231,816 (380)

Linguistics in the digital humanities: (computational) corpus linguistics [PDF]

open access: yesMedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 2014
Corpus linguistics has been closely intertwined with digital technology since the introduction of university computer mainframes in the 1960s. Making use of both digitized data in the form of the language corpus and computational methods of analysis ...
Kim Ebensgaard Jensen
doaj   +8 more sources

Rank diversity of languages: generic behavior in computational linguistics. [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS One, 2015
Statistical studies of languages have focused on the rank-frequency distribution of words. Instead, we introduce here a measure of how word ranks change in time and call this distribution \emph{rank diversity}.
Cocho G   +4 more
europepmc   +3 more sources

Computational Linguistics: What About the Linguistics?

open access: yesComputational Linguistics, 2021
Three times a year I get my copy of a wholly respectable mainstream linguistics journal. Its scholarly articles are rich in examples from varied languages, and alongside these detailed analyses it advances theoretical claims and counterclaims. Its many reviews point to much more of the same.
Karen Spärck Jones
doaj   +3 more sources

Bilingual word list: computational linguistics

open access: goldLiterator, 2008
This word list is under constant development.
G.B. van Huyssteen
doaj   +3 more sources

Constraint programming in computational linguistics [PDF]

open access: yes, 2002
Constraint programming is a programming paradigm that was originally invented in computer science to deal with hard combinatorial problems. Recently, constraint programming has evolved into a technology which permits to solve hard industrial scheduling and optimization problems. We argue that existing constraint programming technology can be useful for
Koller, Alexander, Niehren, Joachim
openaire   +7 more sources

Computational linguistics : a brief introduction [PDF]

open access: yesLinks & Letters, 1994
Computationai Linguistics is an interdisciplinary field of study that encornpasses knowledge rnainly from three areas: Linguistics, Computer Science and Logic. This article is an introduction to the anai~sis of language frorn a Computational Linguistics approach, to the first questions linguists face when &ey need to make natural language fit into ...
Espunya i Prat, Anna
openaire   +6 more sources

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