Results 1 to 10 of about 2,508,282 (395)

Nucleic acid - protein fingerprints. Novel protein classification based on nucleic acid - protein recognition [PDF]

open access: yes, 2012
Protein chemistry uses protein description and classification based on molecular mass and isoelectric point as general features. Enzymes are also compared by enzymatic reaction constants, namely Km and kcat values. Proteins are also studied by binding to
Alexander Krylov, Renad Zhdanov
core   +1 more source

Performance evaluation of DNA copy number segmentation methods [PDF]

open access: yesBriefings in Bioinformatics, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2015, 16 (4), 2014
A number of bioinformatic or biostatistical methods are available for analyzing DNA copy number profiles measured from microarray or sequencing technologies. In the absence of rich enough gold standard data sets, the performance of these methods is generally assessed using unrealistic simulation studies, or based on small real data analyses.
arxiv   +1 more source

Microarray detection of human parainfluenzavirus 4 infection associated with respiratory failure in an immunocompetent adult. [PDF]

open access: yes, 2006
A pan-viral DNA microarray, the Virochip (University of California, San Francisco), was used to detect human parainfluenzavirus 4 (HPIV-4) infection in an immunocompetent adult presenting with a life-threatening acute respiratory illness.
Blackburn, Brian G   +13 more

Nonequilibrium effects in DNA microarrays: a multiplatform study [PDF]

open access: yesJ. Phys. Chem. B, 2011, 115 (20), pp 6732--6739, 2011
It has recently been shown that in some DNA microarrays the time needed to reach thermal equilibrium may largely exceed the typical experimental time, which is about 15h in standard protocols (Hooyberghs et al. Phys. Rev. E 81, 012901 (2010)). In this paper we discuss how this breakdown of thermodynamic equilibrium could be detected in microarray ...
arxiv   +1 more source

ArrayQuest: a web resource for the analysis of DNA microarray data

open access: yesBMC Bioinformatics, 2005
Background Numerous microarray analysis programs have been created through the efforts of Open Source software development projects. Providing browser-based interfaces that allow these programs to be executed over the Internet enhances the applicability ...
Barth Jeremy L   +3 more
doaj   +1 more source

Unraveling the ischemic brain transcriptome in a permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion mouse model by DNA microarray analysis

open access: yesDisease Models & Mechanisms, 2011
SUMMARY Brain ischemia, also termed cerebral ischemia, is a condition in which there is insufficient blood flow to the brain to meet metabolic demand, leading to tissue death (cerebral infarction) due to poor oxygen supply (cerebral hypoxia).
M. Hori   +9 more
semanticscholar   +1 more source

Array-based Identification of Copy Number Changes in a Diagnostic Setting : Simultaneous gene-focused and low resolution whole human genome analysis

open access: yesSultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 2013
Objectives: The aim of this study was to develop and validate a comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH) array that would allow simultaneous targeted analysis of a panel of disease genes and low resolution whole genome analysis.
Renate Marquis-Nicholson   +6 more

Fabrication of Unimolecular Double-stranded DNA Microarrays on Solid Surfaces for Probing DNA-Protein/Drug Interactions

open access: yesMolecules, 2003
We present a novel method for fabricating unimole cular double-stranded DNA microarrays on solid surfaces, which were used to probe sequence-specific DNA/protein interactions.
Zuhong Lu   +4 more
doaj   +1 more source

Statistical modelling of transcript profiles of differentially regulated genes [PDF]

open access: yes, 2008
Background: The vast quantities of gene expression profiling data produced in microarray studies, and the more precise quantitative PCR, are often not statistically analysed to their full potential.
Burton, Kerry S.   +3 more
core   +4 more sources

Thermodynamics of RNA/DNA hybridization in high density oligonucleotide microarrays [PDF]

open access: yesPhysica A 362, 433 (2006), 2004
We analyze a series of publicly available controlled experiments (Latin square) on Affymetrix high density oligonucleotide microarrays using a simple physical model of the hybridization process. We plot for each gene the signal intensity versus the hybridization free energy of RNA/DNA duplexes in solution, for perfect matching and mismatching probes ...
arxiv   +1 more source

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