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Targeting extracellular Hsp90: A unique frontier against cancer
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 2022 The molecular chaperone Heat Shock Protein-90 (Hsp90) is known to interact with over 300 client proteins as well as regulatory factors (eg. nucleotide and proteins) that facilitate execution of its role as a chaperone and, ultimately, client protein ...Rebecca A. Sager, Rebecca A. Sager, Farzana Khan, Farzana Khan, Lorenzo Toneatto, Lorenzo Toneatto, Lorenzo Toneatto, SarahBeth D. Votra, Sarah J. Backe, Sarah J. Backe, Sarah J. Backe, Mark R. Woodford, Mark R. Woodford, Mark R. Woodford, Mehdi Mollapour, Mehdi Mollapour, Mehdi Mollapour, Dimitra Bourboulia, Dimitra Bourboulia, Dimitra Bourboulia +19 moredoaj +1 more sourceA Triple High Throughput Screening for Extracellular Vesicle Inducing Agents With Immunostimulatory Activity
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2022 Extracellular vesicles (EVs) play an important role in intercellular communication and regulation of cells, especially in the immune system where EVs can participate in antigen presentation and may have adjuvant effects.Nikunj M. Shukla, Fumi Sato-Kaneko, Shiyin Yao, Minya Pu, Michael Chan, Fitzgerald S. Lao, Yukiya Sako, Tetsuya Saito, Tetsuya Saito, Karen Messer, Tomoko Hayashi, Howard B. Cottam, Maripat Corr, Dennis A. Carson +13 moredoaj +1 more sourceInvestigating the consistency of extracellular vesicle production from breast cancer subtypes using CELLine adherent bioreactors
Journal of Extracellular Biology, 2022 Extracellular vesicle (EV) research has grown rapidly in recent years, largely due to the potential use of EVs as liquid biopsy biomarkers or therapeutics.Colin L. Hisey, Anastasiia Artuyants, George Guo, Vanessa Chang, Gabrielle Reshef, Martin Middleditch, Bincy Jacob, Lawrence W. Chamley, Cherie Blenkiron +8 moredoaj +1 more sourceExtracellular Proteome Analysis Shows the Abundance of Histidine Kinase Sensor Protein, DNA Helicase, Putative Lipoprotein Containing Peptidase M75 Domain and Peptidase C39 Domain Protein in Leptospira interrogans Grown in EMJH Medium
Pathogens, 2021 Leptospirosis is a re-emerging form of zoonosis that is caused by the spirochete pathogen Leptospira. Extracellular proteins play critical roles in the pathogenicity and survival of this pathogen in the host and environment.Abhijit Sarma, Dhandapani Gunasekaran, Devasahayam Arokia Balaya Rex, Thoduvayil Sikha, Homen Phukan, Kumar Mangalaparthi Kiran, Sneha M. Pinto, Thottethodi Subrahmanya Keshava Prasad, Madathiparambil G. Madanan +8 moredoaj +1 more sourceCharacterization of the B-Cell Epitopes of Echinococcus granulosus Histones H4 and H2A Recognized by Sera From Patients With Liver Cysts
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2022 Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a zoonotic disease worldwide distributed, caused by the cestode Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato (E. granulosus), with an incidence rate of 50/100,000 person/year and a high prevalence in humans of 5-10%.Andrea Maglioco, Andrea Maglioco, Facundo A. Agüero, Facundo A. Agüero, María Pía Valacco, Alejandra Juárez Valdez, Margot Paulino, Alicia G. Fuchs, Alicia G. Fuchs +8 moredoaj +1 more sourceMinimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 2018 The last decade has seen a sharp increase in the number of scientific publications describing physiological and pathological functions of extracellular vesicles (EVs), a collective term covering various subtypes of cell-released, membranous structures ...C. Théry, K. Witwer, E. Aikawa, M. Alcaraz, Johnathon D. Anderson, R. Andriantsitohaina, A. Antoniou, T. Arab, F. Archer, Georgia K. Atkin-Smith, D. Ayre, J. Bach, Daniel Bachurski, H. Baharvand, L. Balaj, S. Baldacchino, N. Bauer, A. A. Baxter, M. Bebawy, C. Beckham, Apolonija Bedina Zavec, A. Benmoussa, A. Berardi, P. Bergese, E. Bielska, C. Blenkiron, S. Bobis‐Wozowicz, É. Boilard, W. Boireau, A. Bongiovanni, F. Borràs, Steffi Bosch, C. Boulanger, X. Breakefield, Andrew M. Breglio, Meadhbh Á. Brennan, D. Brigstock, A. Brisson, M. Broekman, J. Bromberg, Paulina Bryl-Górecka, S. Buch, A. Buck, D. Burger, Sara Busatto, Dominik Buschmann, B. Bussolati, E. Buzás, James Brian Byrd, G. Camussi, David Carter, Sarah Caruso, L. Chamley, Yu-Ting Chang, Chihchen Chen, Shuai Chen, Lesley Cheng, Andrew R. Chin, A. Clayton, S. Clerici, A. Cocks, Emanuele Cocucci, R. Coffey, A. Cordeiro-da-Silva, Y. Couch, F. Coumans, B. Coyle, Rossella Crescitelli, M. F. Criado, C. D’Souza-Schorey, Saumya Das, Amrita Datta Chaudhuri, P. de Candia, E. F. de Santana, O. De Wever, H. D. del Portillo, T. Demaret, Sarah Deville, A. Devitt, Bert Dhondt, D. Di Vizio, L. Dieterich, V. Dolo, A. P. Domínguez Rubio, M. Dominici, M. R. Dourado, Tom A P Driedonks, F. V. Duarte, Heather M. Duncan, R. Eichenberger, K. Ekström, S. El Andaloussi, C. Élie-Caille, U. Erdbrügger, J. Falcón-Perez, F. Fatima, Jason E. Fish, Miguel Flores-Bellver, András I Försönits, A. Frelet-Barrand, F. Fricke, G. Fuhrmann, S. Gabrielsson, Ana Gámez-Valero, C. Gardiner, Kathrin Gärtner, R. Gaudin, Y. Gho, B. Giebel, C. Gilbert, M. Gimona, I. Giusti, D. Goberdhan, A. Görgens, S. Gorski, D. Greening, J. Gross, A. Gualerzi, G. Gupta, D. Gustafson, A. Handberg, R. Haraszti, P. Harrison, H. Hegyesi, A. Hendrix, A. Hill, F. Hochberg, K. Hoffmann, B. Holder, H. Holthofer, Baharak Hosseinkhani, Guoku Hu, Yiyao Huang, V. Huber, S. Hunt, A. Ibrahim, T. Ikezu, J. Inal, Mustafa Işın, Alena Ivanova, Hannah K. Jackson, S. Jacobsen, S. Jay, M. Jayachandran, G. Jenster, Lanzhou Jiang, Suzanne M Johnson, Jennifer C. Jones, A. Jong, T. Jovanović-Talisman, Stephanie Jung, R. Kalluri, S. Kano, S. Kaur, Yumi Kawamura, E. Keller, Delaram Khamari, E. Khomyakova, A. Khvorova, P. Kierulf, K. Kim, T. Kislinger, Mikael Klingeborn, D. Klinke, M. Kornek, M. Kosanović, Á. Kovács, Eva-Maria Krämer-Albers, S. Krasemann, Mirja Krause, I. Kurochkin, G. Kusuma, Sören Kuypers, S. Laitinen, Scott M Langevin, L. Languino, J. Lannigan, Cecilia Lässer, L. Laurent, Grégory Lavieu, Elisa Lázaro-Ibáñez, S. Le Lay, Myung-Shin Lee, Y. Lee, Débora S. Lemos, Metka Lenassi, A. Leszczyńska, Isaac T. S. Li, K. Liao, S. Libregts, E. Ligeti, R. Lim, S. Lim, A. Linē, K. Linnemannstöns, A. Llorente, C. Lombard, M. Lorenowicz, Á. Lörincz, J. Lötvall, Jason Lovett, Michelle C. Lowry, X. Loyer, Q. Lu, B. Lukomska, T. Lunavat, Sybren L. N. Maas, H. Malhi, A. Marcilla, J. Mariani, Javier Mariscal, E. Martens-Uzunova, Lorena Martín-Jaular, M. C. Martı́nez, V. Martins, Mathilde Mathieu, S. Mathivanan, M. Maugeri, L. McGinnis, M. McVey, D. Meckes, K. Meehan, I. Mertens, Valentina R Minciacchi, A. Möller, M. Møller Jørgensen, A. Morales-Kastresana, Jess Morhayim, F. Mullier, M. Muraca, L. Musante, V. Mussack, D. Muth, K. Myburgh, T. Najrana, Muhammad Nawaz, I. Nazarenko, P. Nejsum, C. Néri, T. Neri, R. Nieuwland, L. Nimrichter, J. Nolan, E. N. Nolte-‘t Hoen, Nicole Noren Hooten, L. O’Driscoll, Tina M. O’Grady, A. O’Loghlen, T. Ochiya, M. Olivier, A. Ortiz, L. Ortiz, X. Osteikoetxea, O. Østergaard, M. Ostrowski, Jaesung Park, D. Pegtel, H. Peinado, F. Perut, M. Pfaffl, D. Phinney, Bartijn C H Pieters, R. Pink, D. Pisetsky, E. Pogge von Strandmann, Iva Polakovičová, I. Poon, B. Powell, I. Prada, L. Pulliam, P. Quesenberry, A. Radeghieri, R. Raffai, S. Raimondo, J. Rak, M. Ramirez, G. Raposo, Morsi S Rayyan, Neta Regev-Rudzki, F. Ricklefs, P. Robbins, D. Roberts, S. Rodrigues, E. Rohde, S. Rome, Kasper M A Rouschop, A. Rughetti, A. Russell, Paula Saá, S. Sahoo, E. Salas-Huenuleo, Catherine Sánchez, J. Saugstad, Meike J. Saul, R. Schiffelers, R. Schneider, T. H. Schøyen, Aaron Scott, Eriomina Shahaj, Shivani Sharma, O. Shatnyeva, Faezeh Shekari, G. Shelke, A. Shetty, K. Shiba, P. Siljander, Andreia M. Silva, Agata Skowronek, Orman L Snyder, R. Soares, Barbara W. Sódar, Carolina Soekmadji, J. Sotillo, P. Stahl, W. Stoorvogel, Shannon L. Stott, E. Strasser, S. Swift, H. Tahara, M. Tewari, Kate Timms, Swasti Tiwari, Rochelle Tixeira, M. Tkach, W. Toh, R. Tomasini, A. Torrecilhas, J. Tosar, Vasilis Toxavidis, L. Urbanelli, P. Vader, B. W. van Balkom, S. G. van der Grein, J. Van Deun, Martijn J. C. Van Herwijnen, K. Van Keuren-Jensen, Guillaume van Niel, M. V. van Royen, A. V. van Wijnen, M. Vasconcelos, Ivan J. Vechetti, T. Veit, L. Vella, É. Velot, F. Verweij, B. Vestad, J. Viñas, T. Visnovitz, Krisztina V. Vukman, Jessica Wahlgren, Dionysios C. Watson, M. Wauben, Alissa M. Weaver, J. Webber, V. Weber, A. Wehman, D. Weiss, J. Welsh, Sebastian Wendt, Å. Wheelock, Z. Wiener, Leonie Witte, Joy Wolfram, A. Xagorari, P. Xander, Jing Xu, Xiaomei Yan, M. Yáñez‐Mó, Hang Yin, Y. Yuana, V. Zappulli, J. Zarubova, Vytautas Žėkas, Jian-ye Zhang, Zezhou Zhao, Lei Zheng, Alexander R Zheutlin, Antje M. Zickler, P. Zimmermann, Angela M. Zivkovic, D. Zocco, E. Zuba-Surma +381 moresemanticscholar +1 more source