Results 1 to 10 of about 898,612 (361)

Hydrous Manganese Oxide Doped Gel Probe Sampler for Measuring In Situ Reductive Dissolution Rates. 2. Field Deployment [PDF]

open access: yes, 2010
In situ rates of reductive dissolution in submerged shoreline sediments at Lake Tegel (Berlin, Germany) were measured with a novel hydrous manganese (Mn) oxide-doped gel probe sampler in concert with equilibrium gel probe and sequential extraction ...
Farnsworth, Claire E.   +3 more
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Spectrum imaging of complex nanostructures using DualEELS: I. digital extraction replicas [PDF]

open access: yes, 2015
This paper shows how it is possible to use Dual Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (DualEELS) to digitally extract spectrum images for one phase of interest in a complex nanostructured specimen. The specific cases studied here concern Nb or V precipitates,
Bobynko, Joanna   +2 more
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Magnet Integrated Fabric Phase Sorptive Extraction (MI-FPSE): A Powerful Green(er) Alternative for Sample Preparation

open access: yesAnalytica, 2022
Green(er) sample preparation technologies still dominate as the anticipated improvement in all analytical protocols. Separation scientists all over the world continuously strive to comply with the Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) demands.
Victoria Samanidou, Abuzar Kabir
doaj   +1 more source

Connecting frontier research with industrial development : Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry in the European f-Element Network (EUFEN) [PDF]

open access: yes, 2015
The chemistry of f-elements, even though often not known to the general public, forms part of many industrial processes, manufacturing and medical applications, such as medical imaging (e.g.
Baisch, Ulrich
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A Highly Efficient Environmental-Friendly Adsorbent Based on Schiff Base for Removal of Cu(II) from Aqueous Solutions: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study

open access: yesMolecules, 2021
Removal of heavy metals from drinking water sources and rivers is of strategic health importance and is essential for sustainable ecosystem development, in particular in polluted areas around the globe. In this work, new hybrid inorganic-organic material
Said Tighadouini   +7 more
doaj   +1 more source

Advances and Applications in Deep Eutectic Solvents Technology [PDF]

open access: yes, 2022
This reprint reports advances in the topic of Deep Eutectic Solvents regarding their use as green alternatives in different chemical applications. Studies on the extraction/preconcentration processes of pharmacologically relevant molecules, structural ...

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Improving Neural Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction with Knowledge Selection [PDF]

open access: yesComputational Biology and Chemistry, 2019, 83: 107146, 2019
Protein-protein interaction (PPI) extraction from published scientific literature provides additional support for precision medicine efforts. Meanwhile, knowledge bases (KBs) contain huge amounts of structured information of protein entities and their relations, which can be encoded in entity and relation embeddings to help PPI extraction. However, the
arxiv   +1 more source

The use of Bagassa guianensis aubl. forestry waste as an alternative for obtaining bioproducts and bioactive compounds

open access: yesArabian Journal of Chemistry, 2022
The development of new products and technologies based on agro-industrial waste use has been caused by the dearth of raw materials linked to environmental factors.
W.B.S. Pinheiro   +9 more

Learning about Pesticide Use Adapted from Ethnoscience as a Contribution to Green and Sustainable Chemistry Education

open access: yesEducation Sciences, 2022
This study shows how students can learn about green and sustainable chemistry by using the knowledge perspective of a local indigenous culture as a starting point.
Robby Zidny, Ingo Eilks
doaj   +1 more source

Potential of choline chloride - based natural deep eutectic solvents (NaDES) in the extraction of microalgal metabolites [PDF]

open access: yes, 2017
In a typical chemical process, the solvents are widely used for the dissolution of the reagents, to favor the kinetics and the thermodynamics of a chemical reaction, for the extraction of products, for the separation of mixtures.
Bravi, Marco   +2 more
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