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General View of the Political History of Europe [PDF]

open access: greenNotes and Queries, 1891
Mode of access: Internet.
Ernest Lavisse, Charles W. Gross
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open access: hybridEurasianUnionScientists, 2020
The article presents the reasons for the mass migration of the Kazakhs living in the People's Republic of China to foreign countries in 30`s of twentieth century, including India, Pakistan, Turkey and Europe. The study compares, examines, and correlates different data and the facts in Part IV of the comprehensive study by Chinese scholar Su Beihai ...
Tursynkhan Zakonuly Kaiyrken, D. Makhat
openalex   +3 more sources

Europe and the people Without Legal History: on the Need for a General History of Non-European Law

open access: closedTijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d'Histoire du Droit / The Legal History Review, 2000
AbstractNo Abstract

openalex   +4 more sources

REVOLUTION FROM THE RIGHT: THE RUSSIAN BLACK HUNDREDS MOVEMENT AND ITS PLACE IN THE HISTORY OF EUROPEAN FAR RIGHT PARTIES AND MOVEMENTS Part II-I: the Black Hundred understanding of Russianness in the general European context of the history of nationalism and the consolidation of nations: origins and development of varieties of nationalism in the Russian Empire and Europe

open access: hybridHistorical and social-educational ideas, 2018
This series of articles investigates the Black Hundreds’ understanding  of Russianness in the general European  context of the history of nationalism. In brief, Russianness is the  totality of nationally specific characteristics that define Russians as  Russians and that distinguish Russians from other peoples.
Тony Rocchi
openalex   +3 more sources

Book review: Shchavelev, A.S. 2020. Chronotope of the Rurikid Polity (911—987). Moscow: Akvilon [PDF]

open access: yesМатериалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Причерноморья, 2022
The Review deals with Concept of Rurikid’s Polity of the 10th c., proposed by Aleksei Shchavelev, Senior Researcher at the Center for Eastern Europe in the Ancient and Medieval World, Department of the History of Byzantium and Eastern Europe, Institute ...
Emanov, A.G.
doaj   +1 more source

The study and dissemination of an iconography: banquet scenes from the catacombs of Rome to the facsimile catacombs of the nineteenth century [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Art Historiography, 2022
The text traces the discovery and the history of two important banquet scenes from the Roman catacombs (from the Catacombs of Callixtus and from the Catacombs of Priscilla).
Chiara Cecalupo
doaj   +1 more source

Prolegomena zu einer Rechtsgeschichte Südosteuropas [PDF]

open access: yesRechtsgeschichte - Legal History, 2011
This article tries to outline the history of law in South Eastern Europe – a subject that currently is being researched in an international project at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History.
Jani Kirov
doaj   +1 more source

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