Results 1 to 10 of about 1,028,949 (364)

Behavioural Labour Economics: Advances and Future Directions [PDF]

open access: greenSocial Science Research Network, 2014
In the past decades, behavioural economics has become an influential and important field of economics. Interest in behavioural economics derives from unease with standard economic models that are based on restrictive assumptions, which confine the nature
Thomas Dohmen
semanticscholar   +4 more sources

Work for Decentralised Autonomous Organisation: What Empirical Labour Economics Can Tell Us about the Decentralised Digital Workforce? [PDF]

open access: goldThe Journal of The British Blockchain Association, 2023
A decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) is a new type of digitally native organisation with a membership base that has been rapidly growing throughout 2022. A new organisational structure also leads to a new way labour is organised, hired, demanded,
Nataliya Ilyushina
doaj   +2 more sources

Experimental Labour Economics [PDF]

open access: yes, 2008
Scientific progress relies on testing theories. In labour economics different data sources are available for performing such tests. An important distinction is between circumstantial data and experimental or questionnaire data. Circumstantial data is the by-product of uncontrolled, naturally occurring economic activity.
Simon Gächter, Armin Falk
openaire   +3 more sources

Gender, unpaid labour and economics

open access: goldActa Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica, 2016
Unpaid labour, including care labour is mostly performed by women. Economic theories explain differences in allocation of time between women and men in various ways – neoclassical theories point to the rational choice associated with the varying ...
Anna Zachorowska-Mazurkiewicz
doaj   +3 more sources

The tandem of "capital-work" as the basis for labour economics

open access: green, 2017
From a fundamental accounting principle of duality follows that capital is an abstract category, defined as the ability to perform work. The study abstract nature of capital reveals important features, in particular, that capital is undergo spontaneous ...
Jurij Renkas
openalex   +3 more sources

Do Ends Justify Means? Feminist Economics Perspectives on the Business Case for Gender Equality in the UK Labour Market [PDF]

open access: diamonde-cadernos ces, 2009
This paper intends to explore a feminist economics perspective on business case arguments for gender equality in the UK labour market, where there are significant inequalities between men and women.
Emily Thomson
doaj   +2 more sources

Applying Heterogeneous Transition Models in Labour Economics: The Role of Youth Training in Labour Market Transitions [PDF]

open access: green, 2003
We illustrate the di±culties raised by four features of realistic transition models in labour economics: dimensionality, institutional constraints, persistence and sample attrition.
Fabrizia Mealli, Stephen Pudney
openalex   +2 more sources

Labour Economics - A technológiai fejlődés oldaláról

open access: diamondInternational Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences
A technológiai fejlődés hatása a munkaerőpiacra és az innovációs folyamatokra kiemelkedő fontosságú kutatási terület. Jelen tanulmány célja a technológiai újítások megjelenésének és gyakoriságának vizsgálata a tudományos publikációkban, különös ...
József Boros
doaj   +3 more sources

Employee Engagement as a Factor of Internal Entrepreneurship [PDF]

open access: yesSHS Web of Conferences, 2022
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the topic of developing employee engagement both in the scientific community and in business. Managers are beginning to realize that not only the technologies used, but also the personnel who can be ...
Shavrovskaya Marina, Borodina Oksana
doaj   +1 more source

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