Results 1 to 10 of about 5,087,525 (403)
Electron - positron cascades in multiple-laser optical traps [PDF]
, 2016We present an analytical and numerical study of multiple-laser QED cascades induced with linearly polarised laser pulses. We analyse different polarisation orientations and propose a configuration that maximises the cascade multiplicity and favours the laser absorption.
Fonseca, Ricardo A.+3 more
arxiv +5 more sources
Sorting, shredding and smelting scrap
Valuation Studies, 2020The global economy of e-waste recycling has received much attention in recent waste studies literature. This article gives an account from the inside of two different sites within a leading high-tech recycling and smelting company in which such e-waste ...
Stefan Laser
doaj +1 more source
Dispersion-managed Monolithic All Polarization-Maintaining Ultrafast Thulium-doped Fiber Oscillator [PDF]
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2022We report on our first results of a dispersion-managed monolithic polarization-maintaining ultrafast Thulium-doped fiber oscillator. The design incorporates only commercially available polarization-maintaining components and emits linearly polarized ...
Schuhbauer Benedikt+4 more
doaj +1 more source
Metabolism and signaling crosstalk in glioblastoma progression and therapy resistance
Molecular Oncology, EarlyView., 2023Glioblastoma is one of the most lethal human cancers with no effective treatment nowadays. Here, we review the increasing amount of evidence supporting the connection between cell signaling deregulation and metabolic reprogramming as a key event in glioblastoma resistance to cancer therapy.
Laura Zarzuela+2 more
wiley +1 more source
Comparative study on pump wavelength dependent efficiency in Nd:YVO4 [PDF]
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2022The influence of the pump wavelength on the heat load and efficiency of Nd:YVO4 crystals is investigated with a specially designed crystal mount.
Schneewind Merle+4 more
doaj +1 more source
Valuation Studies, 2020
In this text, we offer a vision of waste as integral and immanent to valuation practices and argue that engaging with waste materials can thereby significantly contribute to the field of valuation studies.
Emma Greeson+2 more
doaj +1 more source
In this text, we offer a vision of waste as integral and immanent to valuation practices and argue that engaging with waste materials can thereby significantly contribute to the field of valuation studies.
Emma Greeson+2 more
doaj +1 more source
Thermo-optical wavefront distortions in Nd:YVO4 laser amplifiers [PDF]
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2022The power dependence of a Nd:YVO4 laser amplifier beam wavefront was analyzed by Zernike polynomial decomposition. This analysis was performed experimentally and by simulations based on split-step Fourier propagation showing a good agreement.
Schneewind Merle+6 more
doaj +1 more source
Plant, Soil and Environment, 2007
In less intensively managed grassland, the micronutrient concentrations in herbage are apparently more likely to be in levels between barely sufficient and deficient than to be excessively high.
H. Laser
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In less intensively managed grassland, the micronutrient concentrations in herbage are apparently more likely to be in levels between barely sufficient and deficient than to be excessively high.
H. Laser
doaj +1 more source
Journal of Semiconductors, 2019
We introduce the concept of supersymmetric laser arrays that consist of a main optical lattice and its superpartner structure, and we investigate the onset of their lasing oscillations.
Chuanbo Li, Ming Li
semanticscholar +1 more source
We introduce the concept of supersymmetric laser arrays that consist of a main optical lattice and its superpartner structure, and we investigate the onset of their lasing oscillations.
Chuanbo Li, Ming Li
semanticscholar +1 more source
High-stakes testing policy and English language teaching: Voices of the leftovers
Journal on English as a Foreign Language, 2020High-stakes testing has been controversial in many countries for several impacts and reasons surrounding its implementation. Teachers’ voices should be heard for well-rounded education policy. This study aims to investigate the voices of English teachers
Laser Romios+2 more
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