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Law Behind Second Law of Thermodynamics --Unification with Cosmology-- [PDF]

open access: yesJHEP0603:057,2006, 2006
In an abstract setting of a general classical mechanical system as a model for the universe we set up a general formalism for a law behind the second law of thermodynamics, i.e. really for "initial conditions". We propose a unification with the other laws by requiring similar symmetry and locality properties.
  +24 more
arxiv   +3 more sources

Analysis the written style of the criminal and legal lawsuits based on the systematic functional grammar [PDF]

open access: yesزبان پژوهی, 2021
In legal contexts, lawsuits are considered important documents because they involve verdicts or the same decision of the judicial authority. All or some of the verdicts of the dispute are resolved. So, they are binding and decisive.
Fatemeh Pourmasjedian   +1 more
doaj   +1 more source

Privacy and Surveillance Conflict: A Comparative Analysis of the laws in the USA and India [PDF]

open access:, 2022
The Right to Privacy and the need for Surveillance has always remained a contentious issue between citizens and law enforcement agencies. This paper attempts to analyse the various laws relating to Surveillance in the largest and oldest democracies of ...
Vaibhav Chadha   +2 more
doaj   +1 more source

Balancing the Privacy v. Surveillance argument: a perspective from the United Kingdom (Vol.13, N.1)

open access:, 2022
In the aftermath of revelations made by ex-NSA employee Edward Snowden about violation of privacy of individuals by states in the name of surveillance, right to privacy became one of the highly debated rights. There is no doubt that the state must secure
Vaibhav Chadha
doaj   +1 more source

Disorder and the law: a strange hostage-taking [PDF]

open access: yesEPJ Web of Conferences, 2022
In the context of the successive crises that have marked France (terrorism, yellow vests protesters and COVID 19), the judge and the police are trying to respond as best they can to complexity.
Joubert Didier
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A Legal Approach to Climate Change with Emphasis on the Model of Technological Convergence

open access: yesحقوق فناوریهای نوین, 2023
The basis of human life in the inhabited biosphere is the balance in the triple cycle of water, food and energy. Also, fair use and exploitation of land and natural resources are added to this importance. However, due to human and artificial carelessness,
Sobhan Tayebi   +2 more
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The generalized universal law of generalization [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Mathematical Psychology, 2003
17 pages LaTeX ...
Paul M. B. Vitányi, Nick Chater
openaire   +3 more sources

Nuclear Power in Poland’s Energy Transition

open access: yesEnergies, 2021
This article presents an analysis of the future role of nuclear energy in Poland’s path to a low-carbon energy transition. The arguments in favor of implementing nuclear power are to be found on three levels: energy security, economic competitiveness and
Janusz Gierszewski   +3 more
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Anti-crisis strategy of state governance in the wartime: an example of Ukraine

open access: yesSustentabilidade em Debate, 2022
Russian military invasion of Ukraine became yet another reminder to humanity about how fragile our world is and how it requires unity and partnership to confront global humanitarian challenges and to ensure goals of sustainable development.
Elvira Sydorova   +2 more
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open access: yesPravo, 2021
The goals of higher education are achieved through the activities of higher education institutions, which are, in accordance with their guaranteed autonomy, performed on a basis of their bylaws and general policies. The law determines which subjects have
Darko Golić , Svetlana Marković
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