The hypertext of a news item through the prism of media linguistics [PDF]
This paper analyzes the hypermedia text of a news item by means of media linguistic analysis. The heuristic value of an interdisciplinary approach underlying media linguistic analysis consists primarily in the allocation of units suitable for ...
Duskajeva Lilija R., Ivanova Lyubov Y.
doaj +3 more sources
Most Indonesian students have a problem speaking English as their foreign language. Most researchers agreed that it is generally caused by the verbal-linguistic Intelligence of the students.
Sofa Intan Sutarso Setyaningsih+2 more
openalex +3 more sources
Cognitive and Applied Linguistics Aspects of Using Social Media: The Impact of the Use of Facebook on Developing Writing Skills in Learning English as a Foreign Language [PDF]
Facebook is undoubtedly the most popular social network site nowadays with over two billion users. Therefore, there has been research exploring its potential as a learning environment for various fields of education, including learning English as a ...
Blanka Klímová, Marcel Pikhart
openalex +2 more sources
Linguistics Realization Analysis on Slang Word; Social Media Whatsapp
Nowadays supporting in communication ways in easier by Electronics many applications using to communication as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Line and others. The development of era has been influence in communication and interaction way.
Elfrida Silalahi, Nela Silalahi
openalex +3 more sources
The paper presents the idea of the processes in the modern science of language, which are caused by a number of socio-cultural changes in the society. Designated as the differentiation of the science of language, these processes reveal new aspects of the
T. V. Shmeleva
doaj +3 more sources
Power and Voices of Authority in the Media Narrative of Malaysian Natives: Combining Corpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis Approaches [PDF]
Orang Asli is a group of indigenous people who live according to a set of lifestyle and belief system and speak the native language. Previous studies have found that the Orang Asli are mostly depicted in the news media as backwards and dependent on ...
Habibah Ismail+3 more
openalex +2 more sources
Computational linguistics based text emotion analysis using enhanced beetle antenna search with deep learning during COVID-19 pandemic. [PDF]
Computational intelligence and nature-inspired computing have changed the way biologically and linguistically driven computing paradigms are made. In the last few decades, they have been used more and more to solve optimisation problems in the real world.
Alotaibi Y+3 more
europepmc +2 more sources
Abusive Comments (Hate Speech) on Indonesian Social Media: A Forensic Linguistics Approach
Online hate speech has significantly increased, particularly on social media, as a result of the internet's democratization of communication. This is an excellent illustration of how technology has both benefits and drawbacks.
Yasir Mubarok+5 more
openalex +3 more sources
Forensic linguistics: A scientometric review
Forensic linguistics is a distinct field of study in the science of language that places significant emphasis on the observation of language usage in our daily lives, including spoken and written language, listening, and reading.
Ahmed Alduais+3 more
doaj +2 more sources
The Function of Proverbs as Educational Media: Anthropological Linguistics on Wolio Proverbs
This study aims to explain the function of proverbs as an educational media in the socio-cultural life of Wolio people in Southeast Sulawesi. The method used in this study was a descriptive qualitative in anthropological linguistics perspective.
Firman Alamsyah Mansyur+1 more
openalex +3 more sources