Upaya Menjaga Akuntabilitas Pertukaran Data dengan Teknologi Informasi Multiprotocol Label Switching [PDF]
Data communication network, part of the information technology, becomes so important in communicating information and transferring data. Most companies in the world, including companies operating in Indonesia, have used data communication networking ...
Ariefah Rachmawati
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Multiprotocol Label Switching [PDF]
The up to this time known networks with the IP protocol have worked as connection-less and they have not guaranteed the quality of services. Implementing the MPLS protocol, an overlay connection-oriented network with guaranteed quality of services QoS is
Ladislav Schwartz+2 more
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CR-LDP as the signaling protocol at networking multiprotocol label switching
This paper reports raised events and results from the use of CR-LDP as a possible protocol of signal point MPLS, in order determine whether QoS warranties the desired quality for intensive bandwidth applications.
Danilo López+2 more
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Traffic Engineering in Multiprotocol Label Switching networks [PDF]
The goal of Traffic Engineering is to optimize the resource utilization and increase the network performance. Constraint-based routing has been proposed as an networks effective approach to implement traffic engineering in Multiprotocol Label Switching ...
Wei, Chung-Yu
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Dynamic Learning Framework for Smooth-Aided Machine-Learning-Based Backbone Traffic Forecasts [PDF]
Recently, there has been an increasing need for new applications and services such as big data, blockchains, vehicle-to-everything (V2X), the Internet of things, 5G, and beyond.
Mohamed Khalafalla Hassan+7 more
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Optimasi Jaringan Routing Open Shortest Path First Dengan Menggunakan Multiprotocol Label Switching [PDF]
Routing adalah sebuah proses dimana item dapat disampaikan melalui sebuah rute jaringan yang terkonfigurasi untuk mencapai titik tujuan dari suatu lokasi.
Marcus, Ronald David+2 more
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Traffic Engineering in multiprotocol label switching VPNs [PDF]
The changing nature of Internet-based applications is imposing stricter demands on the performance of the Internet. For many new applications requiring differentiated quality of service, the best effort model of the internet is no longer adequate ...
Desai, Vinay Kumar
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QoS Management and Flexible Traffic Detection Architecture for 5G Mobile Networks [PDF]
The next generation of 5G networks is being developed to provide services with the highest Quality of Service (QoS) attributes, such as ultra-low latency, ultra-reliable communication, high data rates, and high user mobility experience.
Fernando López Rodríguez+5 more
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Service model of the voice traffic in multiprotocol label switching networks [PDF]
This paper proposes and investigates a service model of the voice traffic in multiprotocol label switching networks. The study of Multiprotocol label switching networks (MPLS) requires a formal description of processes occurring in them, development of ...
Mankovskiy, Volodymyr B.+1 more
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Comparison of router testbeds: embedded system-based, software-based, and multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) [PDF]
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a promising packet switching technology in the field of communication network, allowing router to forward the packets based on labels.
Abdullah, F.+4 more
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