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Lacey Bathurst
openaire +4 more sources
Pathogenesis of pneumococcal infection [PDF]
The pathogenesis of pneumococcal infection is a complex interplay between pneumococcal virulence determinants and the host immune response. Molecular studies have considerably advanced our knowledge and understanding of the precise structures and functions of the different determinants and their pathogenic roles. This review describes the mechanisms by
Stephen H. Gillespie+1 more
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New Vaccines for the Prevention of Pneumococcal Infections
Streptococcus pneumoniae is a major cause of acute otitis media, pneumonia, bacteremia, and meningitis. Because in recent years antibiotic-resistant pneumococcal strains have been emerging throughout the world, vaccination against pneumococcal infections
Helena Käyhty, Juhani Eskola
doaj +2 more sources
1. A single small dose of ethylhydrocuprein (optochin base), which by itself has practically no protective effect against experimental pneumococcal infection in mice, is capable of increasing the threshold value of the type homologous antipneumococcus serum at least fifty times. 2. This effect is proportionately many times greater than a
H. F. Moore
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Mathematical modelling long-term effects of replacing Prevnar7 with Prevnar13 on invasive pneumococcal diseases in England and Wales [PDF]
England and Wales recently replaced the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7) with its 13-valent equivalent (PCV13), partly based on projections from mathematical models of the long-term impact of such a switch compared to ceasing pneumococcal ...
A Melegaro+21 more
core +17 more sources
The continuing problem of pneumococcal infection [PDF]
A. J. Davies, D. S. Kumaratne
openaire +4 more sources
Adult pneumococcal vaccination – new opportunities
Pneumococcal infections (Streptococcus pneumoniae) remain a significant epidemiological problem globally. Although an invasive pneumo-coccal disease (IPD), which includes meningitis, sepsis and pneumonia with bacteremia, is the most severe form of ...
doaj +1 more source
Biofilm-associated infections are of great concern because they are associated with antibiotic resistance and immune evasion. Co-colonization by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae is possible and a threat in clinical practice.
Julio Sempere+7 more
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Transmission factors and exposure to infections at work and invasive pneumococcal disease
Abstract Background Working in close contacts with coworkers or the general public may be associated with transmission of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD). We investigated whether crowded workplaces, sharing surfaces, and exposure to infections were factors associated with IPD.
Kjell Torén+4 more
wiley +1 more source