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Effect of QT interval-prolonging drugs taken in pregnancy on the neonatal QT interval [PDF]

open access: yesFrontiers in Pharmacology, 2023
Introduction: Acquired QT interval prolongations due to drug side effects can result in detrimental arrhythmia. Maternal use of placenta-permeable drugs may lead to fetal exposure, thus leading to an increased risk of neonatal QT prolongation and ...
Holger Michel   +13 more
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Short-Term Beat-to-Beat QT Variability Appears Influenced More Strongly by Recording Quality Than by Beat-to-Beat RR Variability [PDF]

open access: yesFrontiers in Physiology, 2022
Increases in beat-to-beat variability of electrocardiographic QT interval duration have repeatedly been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events and complications.
Ondřej Toman   +14 more
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Coffee, alcohol, smoking, physical activity and QT interval duration: results from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2011
Abnormalities in the electrocardiographic QT interval duration have been associated with an increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death.
Yiyi Zhang   +5 more
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QT Interval and QT Variability [PDF]

open access: yes, 2012
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is among the most common types of mortality in developed countries. It for more deaths each year than the total number of deaths from AIDS, breast cancer, lung cancer and stroke together. SCD accounts for approximately 50% of all deaths from cardiovascular diseases and 20% of total mortality (1).
Bojan Vrtovec, Gregor Poglajen
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Methods of Assessment and Clinical Relevance of QT Dynamics [PDF]

open access: yesIndian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal, 2005
The dependence on heart rate of the QT interval has been investigated for many years and several mathematical formulae have been proposed to describe the QT interval/heart rate (or QT interval/RR interval) relationship. While the most popular is Bazett’s
Beata Sredniawa   +4 more
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QT interval prolongation after sertraline overdose: a case report [PDF]

open access: yesBMC Emergency Medicine, 2005
Background Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most common antidepressants used in first-world countries and are generally well tolerated.
Holman Nicole D   +3 more
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Congenital Short QT Syndrome [PDF]

open access: yesIndian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal, 2004
Long QT intervals in the ECG have long been associated with sudden cardiac death. The congenital long QT syndrome was first described in individuals with structurally normal hearts in 1957.1 Little was known about the significance of a short QT ...
Charles Antzelevitch, Johnson Francis
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Altered circadian rhythmicity of the QT interval predicts mortality in a large real-world academic hospital population [PDF]

open access: yesHeliyon
Objective and rationale: Small studies have shown that the QT interval follows a circadian rhythm. This finding has never been confirmed in a large real-world hospital population and the clinical meaning of disrupted rhythmicity remains unknown. Methods:
Rutger R. van de Leur   +6 more
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A real-world pharmacovigilance study of drug-induced QT interval prolongation: analysis of spontaneous reports submitted to FAERS [PDF]

open access: yesFrontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
PurposeTo identify the most commonly reported drugs associated with QT interval prolongation in the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) and evaluate their risk for QT interval prolongation.MethodsWe employed the preferred term (PT ...
Haowen Tan   +9 more
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A Study on the Diurnal Variation of Ventricular Repolarization Parameters in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea [PDF]

open access: yesZhongguo quanke yixue, 2022
BackgroundObstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) is a common sleep breathing disorder. More and more studies have shown that OSAHS has a significant correlation with cardiovascular disease.
YANG Beibei, JIANG Junguang, SHI Jiang, ZHANG Yang
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