Results 1 to 10 of about 17,528 (186)

Phenotypic and gene expression differences between DA, BN and WOKW rats. [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2012
BACKGROUND: Because inbred rat strains are widely used as laboratory models, knowledge of phenotypic and genetic variations between strains will be useful to obtain insight into the relationship between different strains.
Jörn Lange   +5 more
doaj   +2 more sources

The effects of buprenorphine on behaviour in the ACI and BN rat inbred strains [PDF]

open access: yesLaboratory Animals, 2008
Summary Buprenorphine is a partial μ, κ agonist that has been shown to influence spontaneous behaviour in animals. Previously, we have demonstrated significant differences in the analgesic response to buprenorphine between the August Copenhagen Irish (ACI)/SegHsd and the Brown Norway (BN)/RijHsd inbred rat strains.
Avsaroglu, H.   +4 more
openaire   +6 more sources

Nest-building behaviour in male rats from three inbred strains: BN/HsdCpb, BDIX/Or1Ico and LEW/Mol

open access: yesAnimal Welfare, 2005
AbstractThree inbred strains of male laboratory rat (BN/HsdCpb, BDIX/Or1Ico and LEW/Mol) were provided with nest boxes and nest materials, and were observed for nest-building activity. After 7 days, each cage and nest box was examined. Each nest was weighed and scored for complexity, and returned to the cage.
IM Jegstrup   +3 more
openaire   +2 more sources

Lower developmental potential of rat zygotes produced by ooplasmic injection of testicular spermatozoa versus cauda epididymal spermatozoa [PDF]

open access: yesThe Journal of Reproduction and Development
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is clinically used to treat obstructive/nonobstructive azoospermia. This study compared the efficacy of ICSI with cauda epididymal and testicular sperm in Wistar (WI) and Brown-Norway (BN) rats.
Misuzu IDE   +6 more
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A revamped rat reference genome improves the discovery of genetic diversity in laboratory rats. [PDF]

open access: yesCell Genom
The seventh iteration of the reference genome assembly for Rattus norvegicus-mRatBN7.2-corrects numerous misplaced segments and reduces base-level errors by approximately 9-fold and increases contiguity by 290-fold compared with its predecessor.
de Jong TV   +50 more
europepmc   +3 more sources

The Assembled Genome of the Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat. [PDF]

open access: yesHypertension, 2023
BACKGROUND: We report the creation and evaluation of a de novo assembly of the genome of the spontaneously hypertensive rat, the most widely used model of human cardiovascular disease.
Kalbfleisch TS   +13 more
europepmc   +3 more sources

Genetic control of differential acetylation in diabetic rats. [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2014
Post-translational protein modifications such as acetylation have significant regulatory roles in metabolic processes, but their relationship to both variation in gene expression and DNA sequence is unclear. We address this question in the Goto-Kakizaki (
Pamela J Kaisaki   +11 more
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Genetic etiology of renal agenesis: fine mapping of Renag1 and identification of Kit as the candidate functional gene. [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2015
Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urogenital tract (CAKUT) occur in approximately 0.5% of live births and represent the most frequent cause of end-stage renal disease in neonates and children. The genetic basis of CAKUT is not well defined.
Nyssa Becker Samanas   +14 more
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A variable CD3⁺ T-cell frequency in peripheral blood lymphocytes associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus development in the LEW.1AR1-iddm rat. [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2013
PURPOSE: The LEW.1AR1-iddm rat is an animal model of human type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), which arose through a spontaneous mutation within the MHC-congenic inbred strain LEW.1AR1 (RT1(r²)).
Tanja Arndt   +6 more
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Von Willebrand Factor Gene Variants Associate with Herpes simplex Encephalitis. [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2016
Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) is a rare complication of Herpes simplex virus type-1 infection. It results in severe parenchymal damage in the brain.
Nada Abdelmagid   +20 more
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