Results 1 to 10 of about 525,562 (323)
3D Multiclass Digital Core Models via microCT, SEM-EDS and Deep Learning [PDF]
We describe an integrated methodology for constructing a 3D multiclass model of a rock sample, based on X-ray microtomography (microCT) and quantitative evaluation of minerals (QEMSCAN) by automated SEM-EDS (Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy ...
Varfolomeev Igor+2 more
doaj +1 more source
Comparing Centrifuge, Steady-State and Semi-Dynamic Methods for Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure Determination: New Insights [PDF]
Relative permeability and capillary pressure are essential parameters for understanding multiphase flow in porous media and scenarios of production in oil or gas reservoirs. There are several experimental methods for determining the relative permeability
Pairoys Fabrice+3 more
doaj +1 more source
Despite being one of the most important factors in deep oil and gas exploration, the preservation mechanisms of ultradeep carbonate reservoirs remain poorly understood.
Zeqi Li+10 more
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In the last decade, low-quality unconventional oil and gas resources have become the primary source for domestic oil and gas storage and production, and hydraulic fracturing has become a crucial method for modifying unconventional reservoirs.
Zhe Liu+7 more
doaj +1 more source
We demonstrate that transformers obtain impressive performance even when some of the layers are randomly initialized and never updated. Inspired by old and well-established ideas in machine learning, we explore a variety of non-linear "reservoir" layers interspersed with regular transformer layers, and show improvements in wall-clock compute time until
Ari S. Morcos+5 more
openaire +3 more sources
Objectives The Enterobacter cloacae complex is considered an important opportunistic pathogen. It comprises many members that remain difficult to delineate by phenotypic approaches.
Matthieu Pot+7 more
doaj +1 more source
The Investigation on Initiation and Propagation of Hydraulic Fractures in Shale Reservoir
Hydraulic fracturing is a necessary technique for shale gas exploitation. In order to have efficient stimulation treatment, a complex fracture network has to be developed, whereas with rich bedding planes and natural fractures, the mechanism of forming a
Xiangjun Liu+5 more
doaj +1 more source
Reservoir Computing Using Complex Systems [PDF]
Reservoir Computing is an emerging machine learning framework which is a versatile option for utilising physical systems for computation. In this paper, we demonstrate how a single node reservoir, made of a simple electronic circuit, can be employed for computation and explore the available options to improve the computational capability of the ...
arxiv +1 more source
The Pattern of Vector Control in Malaria Endemic Areas of Central Java Province
Malaria remains a public health problem in Indonesia, therefore, a study was conducted to guarantee a reduction in malaria cases and to support an elimination program.
Wigati R.A.+3 more
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