An Improved Opportunistic Routing Protocol Based on Context Information of Mobile Nodes [PDF]
Delay tolerant network (DTN) protocol was proposed for a network where connectivity is not available. In DTN, a message is delivered to a destination node via store-carry-forward approach while using opportunistic contacts. Probabilistic routing protocol for intermittently connected networks (PRoPHET) is one of the widely studied DTN protocols.
Kyung Min Baek+2 more
openalex +3 more sources
Improving route discovery in on-demand routing protocols using local topology information in MANETs [PDF]
Most existing routing protocols proposed for MANETs use flooding as a broadcast technique for the propagation of network control packets; a particular example of this is the dissemination of route requests (RREQs), which facilitate route discovery.
Muneer Bani Yassein+4 more
openalex +3 more sources
Simulasi Pengumpulan Routing Table Menggunakan Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
Irwan Susanto, Dwi Retno Aryanti
openalex +5 more sources
The impact of delayed topology information in proactive routing protocols for MANETS [PDF]
In the design of many proactive routing protocols for MANETs, it is often assumed that topology information is disseminated instantly and error free. Exceptions include hazy-sighted routing, which deliberately delay the dissemination of topology information such that the average time from when a node learns about a change in topology depends on the ...
Andrés Medina, Stephan Bohacek
openalex +3 more sources
Design of a Self-Organizing Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Location and Energy Information [PDF]
Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) are significantly different from terrestrial sensor networks in the following aspects: low bandwidth, high latency, variable topology, limited battery, low processing power and so on.
Weizhen Guo+4 more
doaj +2 more sources
LOTIR: A Routing Protocol for Multi-hop V-to-I Communication Using Local Traffic Information [PDF]
Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is an emerging technology that can be applied to safety, transport efficiency, or infotainment applications for roads and highways.
Kun-chan Lan+3 more
doaj +2 more sources
Bellman Ford algorithm - in Routing Information Protocol (RIP) [PDF]
In a large scale network need a routing that can handle a lot number of users, one of the solutions to cope with large scale network is by using a routing protocol, There are 2 types of routing protocol that is static and dynamic, Static routing is manually route input based on network admin, while dynamic routing is automatically route input formed ...
Oris Krianto Sulaiman+3 more
openalex +2 more sources
A Review on Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Routing Protocol
The routing protocol transport the best connection, creating during message in the network. The router can work with the help of routing protocols. The various routing protocols can be present, but the most famous routing protocols are Routing Information protocol (RIP) and the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF).
Abhishek Verma, Neha Bhardwaj
openalex +3 more sources
A one-hop information based geographic routing protocol for delay tolerant MANETs [PDF]
14 ...
Lei You+3 more
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An Information Management Protocol to Control Routing and Clustering in Sensor Networks
In this paper, we develop and analyze a novel clustering protocol, Decentralized Energy Efficient cluster Propagation (DEEP), that attempts to manage the communication of data while minimizing energy consumption across the sensor networks. We also develop an Inter-Cluster Routing protocol (ICR) that is compatible with the proposed clustering technique.
Marzieh Veyseh, Belle Wei, Nader F. Mir
openalex +4 more sources