Results 1 to 10 of about 7,232 (50)
The first reported case of necrophilia has been identified in November 2020 in a 20-years old unmarried man working in a Forensic Morgue as an assistant.
Palash Kumar Bose+3 more
Background: Autobiographical memory in trauma-exposed individuals tends to be overgeneral and negatively biased. Although healthy sleep helps consolidate memory traces, and memory for emotional stimuli is better when there is a period of sleep between ...
Kevin G.F. Thomas+3 more
An analysis of antidepressant prescribing trends in England 2015–2019.
Background Growing concerns about the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) will likely lead to increased mental health diagnoses and treatment.
Hasnain M. Lalji+2 more
Background: Inflammatory skin diseases with chronic pruritus and chronic back pain are very common symptoms in the general population and are associated with a reduced quality of life (QOL).
Petra Staubach+3 more
Background: Although a feeling of emptiness is listed only as a symptom of the DSM-5 borderline personality disorder, it is commonly encountered in other disorders.
A. D'Agostino+4 more
Objective: This study aims to identify the prevalence of suicidal ideation (SI) and elevated depressive symptoms (depression) in the immediate postpartum period, defined as the first three days after delivery. Methods: This cross-sectional study includes
Karen M. Tabb+11 more
Background The COVID-19 pandemic has raised concerns regarding its psychological effect on university students, especially healthcare students. We aimed at assessing the risk of mental health problems according to the type of university studies, by ...
Arnaud Leroy+9 more
: Background: Bipolar disorder is associated with an increased burden of general medical conditions that might be related to a more severe illness course.
Fabiano A. Gomes+5 more
Further evidence on the interplay between benzodiazepine and Z-drug abuse and emotion dysregulation
Background: Long-term benzodiazepine (BDZ)/Z-drug use, which is a risk factor for dependence, is frequent in neuropsychiatric conditions, especially emotional disorders. Also, BDZ/Z-drug misuse is associated with increased emotion dysregulation symptoms.
Marco Colizzi+3 more
Background: : Bipolar disorder (BD) is a prevalent mental health illness with a direct impact on patient's well-being. Self-report-based BD screening questionnaires such as the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is economical and clinically validated.
Yang S. Liu+3 more