Comparison of Rebound Tonometry, Perkins Applanation Tonometry and Ocular Response Analyser in Mucopolysaccharidosis Patients. [PDF]
To investigate the feasibility and to compare three devices measuring intraocular pressure (IOP) in mucopolysaccharidosis patients (MPS): iCare rebound tonometer (RT), Perkins applanation tonometer (PAT) and ocular response analyzer (ORA).MPS patients ...
Joanna Wasielica-Poslednik+6 more
doaj +7 more sources
Intraocular pressure and ocular pulse amplitude using dynamic contour tonometry and contact lens tonometry [PDF]
Background The new Ocular Dynamic Contour Tonometer (DCT), investigational device supplied by SMT (Swiss Microtechnology AG, Switzerland) allows simultaneous recording of intraocular pressure (IOP) and ocular pulse amplitude (OPA). It was the aim of this
Grus Franz-H+2 more
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Non-Invasive Ocular Rigidity Measurement: A Differential Tonometry Approach [PDF]
Purpose: Taking into account the fact that Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) geometrically deforms the corneal apex and displaces volume from the anterior segment whereas Dynamic Contour Tonometry (DCT) does not, we aimed at developing an algorithm ...
Efstathios T. Detorakis+2 more
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A mechanical model of ocular bulb vibrations and implications for acoustic tonometry. [PDF]
In this study, we propose a comprehensive mechanical model of ocular bulb vibrations and discuss its implications for acoustic tonometry. The model describes the eye wall as a spherical, pre-stressed elastic shell containing a viscoelastic material and ...
Nicoletta Tambroni+3 more
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Ocular surface displacement with and without contact lenses during non-contact tonometry.
PurposeTo evaluate the displacement of the central ocular surface during non-contact tonometry with and without soft contact lenses and determine the factors associated with the displacement of the central ocular surface and intraocular pressure (IOP ...
Ulfah Rimayanti+5 more
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Review on Dynamic Contour Tonometry and Ocular Pulse Amplitude [PDF]
Intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement is the cornerstone of the management of glaucoma patients. The gold standard for assessing IOP is Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT). Recently, the dynamic contour tonometer (DCT) has become available.
K. Willekens+6 more
semanticscholar +3 more sources
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.4103/0301-4738.171956.].
europepmc +2 more sources
Comparison of three methodologies for measuring intraocular pressure in healthy cats [PDF]
Background and Aim: Measuring intraocular pressure (IOP) is crucial for identifying potentially damaging changes in the eyes, including diseases as glaucoma and uveitis.
Claudia Lizandra Ricci+6 more
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INTRODUCTION[|]Elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) remains to be the best known modifiable risk factor for glaucoma. Ocular palpation tonometry (OPT) is an old, fast and simple method for IOP measurement.
Mehmet Özveren+4 more
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The usefulness of CorvisST Tonometry and the Ocular Response Analyzer to assess the progression of glaucoma [PDF]
AbstractCorneal Visualization Scheimpflug Technology (CST) and Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA) measurements were carried out in 105 eyes of 69 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma. All patients had axial length (AL), central corneal thickness (CCT), intraocular pressure (IOP) with Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) and eight visual fields (VF)s ...
Masato Matsuura+5 more
semanticscholar +4 more sources