Results 1 to 10 of about 162,833 (279)
Thermodynamics of Rotating Black Holes and Black Rings: Phase Transitions and Thermodynamic Volume [PDF]
In this review we summarize, expand, and set in context recent developments on the thermodynamics of black holes in extended phase space, where the cosmological constant is interpreted as thermodynamic pressure and treated as a thermodynamic variable in ...
Natacha Altamirano+3 more
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A note of the first law of thermodynamics by gravitational decoupling [PDF]
We provide a way of decoupling the first law of thermodynamics in two sectors : the standard first law of thermodynamics and the quasi first law of thermodynamics.
Milko Estrada, Reginaldo Prado
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Chemical thermodynamics for growing systems [PDF]
We consider growing open chemical reaction systems (CRSs), in which autocatalytic chemical reactions are encapsulated in a finite volume and its size can change in conjunction with the reactions.
Yuki Sughiyama+3 more
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Thermodynamics with pressure and volume under charged particle absorption [PDF]
We investigate the variation of the charged anti-de Sitter black hole under charged particle absorption by considering thermodynamic volume. When the energy of the particle is considered to contribute to the internal energy of the black hole, the ...
Bogeun Gwak
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Bistability: requirements on cell-volume, protein diffusion, and thermodynamics. [PDF]
Bistability is considered wide-spread among bacteria and eukaryotic cells, useful, e.g., for enzyme induction, bet hedging, and epigenetic switching. However, this phenomenon has mostly been described with deterministic dynamic or well-mixed stochastic ...
Robert G Endres
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Volume dependent extension of Kerr-Newman black hole thermodynamics
We show that the Hawking–Bekenstein entropy formula is modified by a factor of 8/3 if one also considers a work term in the 1st law of thermodynamics by a pressure stemming from the Hawking radiation. We give an intuitive definition for the corresponding
Tamás S. Biró+3 more
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Thermodynamics of the low-density excluded-volume hadron gas [PDF]
We consider thermodynamics of the excluded volume particles at finite temperature and chemical potential, in the low density approximation. We assume Boltzmann statistics and study the influence of the excluded volume on an ideal gas thermodynamics at the same temperature, pressure and numbers of particles.
K. Redlich, Kacper Zalewski
openalex +3 more sources
Mapping 1+1-dimensional black hole thermodynamics to finite volume effects [PDF]
Both black hole thermodynamics and finite volume effects in quantum field theory violate the null energy condition. Motivated by this, we compare thermodynamic features between two 1+1-dimensional systems: (i) a scalar field confined to a periodic spatial interval of length $a$ and tunneling between two degenerate vacua; (ii) a dilatonic black hole at ...
Jean Alexandre+4 more
openalex +2 more sources
Thermodynamics of the Fermi gas in a cubic cavity of an arbitrary volume [PDF]
For the Fermi gas filling the space inside a cubic cavity of a fixed volume, at arbitrary temperatures and number of particles, the thermodynamic characteristics are calculated, namely: entropy, thermodynamic potential, energy, pressure, heat capacities and thermodynamic coefficients.
Yu. M. Poluéktov, A. A. Soroka
openalex +2 more sources
Holographic thermodynamics of rotating black holes
We provide mass/energy formulas for the extended thermodynamics, mixed thermodynamics, and holographic conformal field theory (CFT) thermodynamics for the charged and rotating Kerr-Newman Anti-de Sitter black holes.
Ting-Feng Gong, Jie Jiang, Ming Zhang
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