Results 1 to 10 of about 2,045,977 (378)
The importance of plasma protein for blood volume and blood pressure homeostasis
To evaluate the influence of plasma protein concentration and colloid osmotic pressure (COP) on blood volume and blood pressure, we studied 40 patients with the nephrotic syndrome (plasma protein 41.1 +/- 5.3 g/liter, COP 10.9 +/- 2.2 mm Hg) and 43 patients with chronic renal failure (plasma protein 65.0 +/- 5.8 g/liter, COP 22.4 +/- 3.0 mm Hg) at ...
Hendrik A. Koomans+4 more
openaire +3 more sources
Simplified Threshold Phenomena in Hypo- and Hyper-coagulation [PDF]
We discuss two threshold phenomena in blood coagulation dynamics using a simplified model. This perspective of the underlying complex phenomena is expected to aid the understanding and characterization of many blood coagulation pathologies with altered protein dynamics.
The proteins secreted by human cells (collectively referred to as the secretome) are important not only for the basic understanding of human biology but also for the identification of potential targets for future diagnostics and therapies.
Ayoglu, Burcu+52 more
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Se presentan los resultados de la estandarización de las técnicas de electroforesis de hemoglobina (Hb), isoenzimas de la deshidrogenasa láctica (LDH) y proteinuria en el equipo Hydrasys 2, así como el estudio de pacientes atendidos en el Instituto de ...
Liz Mabel Díaz-Barroso+6 more
Red Blood Cells: Chasing Interactions
Human red blood cells (RBC) are highly differentiated cells that have lost all organelles and most intracellular machineries during their maturation process.
Virginia Pretini+8 more
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Optical Marking of Alcohol Induced Hemoglobin Modification [PDF]
It has been shown that conformational modifications of Hb induced by ethanol consumption can be visualized in optical spectra studying oxygenation kinetics of hemoglobin or mixing hemoglobin with Cibacron blue dye. Better dye affinity of blood proteins extracted from alcoholised rats with respect to those from non-alcoholised ones confirms that ethanol
Contribution of the sympathetic nervous system to the pathogenesis of salt-sensitive hypertension [PDF]
Dysregulation of the sodium-chloride cotransporter (NCC) is believed to significantly impact blood pressure. Recent studies have implicated overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system as a mechanism driving renal NCC dysregulation to evoke the ...
Pazzol, Michael Lee
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Identification of tuberculosis-associated proteins in whole blood supernatant
Background Biological parameters are useful tools for understanding and monitoring complicated disease processes. In this study, we attempted to identify proteins associated with active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) using a proteomic approach.
Lien Luu+13 more
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The plasma protein fibrinogen stabilizes clusters of red blood cells in microcapillary flows [PDF]
The supply of oxygen and nutrients and the disposal of metabolic waste in the organs depend strongly on how blood, especially red blood cells, flow through the microvascular network. Macromolecular plasma proteins such as fibrinogen cause red blood cells to form large aggregates, called rouleaux, which are usually assumed to be disaggregated in the ...
Among Children Born Extremely Preterm a Higher Level of Circulating Neurotrophins Is Associated with Lower Risk of Cognitive Impairment at School Age [PDF]
Objectives To test the hypothesis that higher blood levels of neurotrophic proteins (proteins that support neuronal survival and function) in the first 2 weeks of life are associated with a lower risk of cognitive impairment at 10 years.
Douglass, Laurie+12 more
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