Results 1 to 10 of about 5,324,122 (405)

Physics computational literacy: An exploratory case study using computational essays [PDF]

open access: yesPhysical Review Physics Education Research, 2019
Computation is becoming an increasingly important part of physics education. However, there are currently few theories of learning that can be used to help explain and predict the unique challenges and affordances associated with computation in physics ...
Tor Ole B. Odden   +2 more
doaj   +2 more sources

Computation in Classical Mechanics [PDF]

open access: yes, 2007
There is a growing consensus that physics majors need to learn computational skills, but many departments are still devoid of computation in their physics curriculum. Some departments may lack the resources or commitment to create a dedicated course or program in computational physics.
Cook David M.   +12 more
arxiv   +3 more sources

Active learning algorithm for computational physics [PDF]

open access: yesPhysical Review Research, 2020
In large-scale computations of physical problems, one often encounters the situation of having to determine a multidimensional function, which can be numerically costly when computing each point in this multidimensional space is already time-demanding ...
Juan Yao   +4 more
doaj   +2 more sources

Development and evaluation of granular simulation for integrating computational thinking into computational physics courses. [PDF]

open access: yesEduc Inf Technol (Dordr), 2022
Muliyati D   +6 more
europepmc   +2 more sources

Computational Complexity in Physics [PDF]

open access: green, 2001
This is a brief review paper summarizing talks at the NATO school on Complexity and Large Deviations in Geilo, Norway, 2001.
Cristopher Moore
openalex   +5 more sources

Prevalence and nature of computational instruction in undergraduate physics programs across the United States

open access: yesPhysical Review Physics Education Research, 2018
A national survey of physics faculty was conducted to investigate the prevalence and nature of computational instruction in physics courses across the United States. 1246 faculty from 357 unique institutions responded to the survey.
Marcos D. Caballero, Laura Merner
doaj   +2 more sources

Research in Geant4 electromagnetic physics design, and its effects on computational performance and quality assurance

open access: green, 2009
The Geant4 toolkit offers a rich variety of electromagnetic physics models; so far the evaluation of this Geant4 domain has been mostly focused on its physics functionality, while the features of its design and their impact on simulation accuracy ...
M. Augelli   +11 more
openalex   +4 more sources

Basic Concepts in Computational Physics [PDF]

open access: yes, 2014
Part I Deterministic Methods.- Numerical Differentiation.- Numerical Integration.- The KEPLER Problem.- Ordinary Differential Equations - Initial Value Problem.- The Double Pendulum.- Molecular Dynamics.- Numerics of Ordinary Differential Equations - Boundary Value Problems.- The One-Dimensional Heat Equation.- The One-Dimensional SCHRODINGER Equation.-
Benjamin A. Stickler, E. Schachinger
semanticscholar   +4 more sources

Deep Learning and Computational Physics (Lecture Notes) [PDF]

open access:, 2023
These notes were compiled as lecture notes for a course developed and taught at the University of the Southern California. They should be accessible to a typical engineering graduate student with a strong background in Applied Mathematics.
Deep Ray, Orazio Pinti, A. Oberai
semanticscholar   +1 more source

Physicality, modeling, and agency in a computational physics class [PDF]

open access: yesPhysical Review Physics Education Research, 2022
Computation is intertwined with essentially all aspects of physics research and is invaluable for physicists' careers. Despite its disciplinary importance, integration of computation into physics education remains a challenge and, moreover, has tended to
A. M. Phillips   +4 more
semanticscholar   +1 more source

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