Results 1 to 10 of about 148,899 (215)
Exploring the dominant discourse of baccalaureate nursing education in Iran
Introduction: Understanding how academic dominant discourse is implicated in the shaping of nursing identity, professional aspirations and socialization of nursing students is useful as it can lead to strategies that promote nursing profession. Materials
Ahmadreza Yazdannik+2 more
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Causes and effects of theory-practice gap during clinical practice: the lived experiences of baccalaureate nursing students [PDF]
Purpose This study evaluated the baccalaureate nursing students’ lived experiences of the causes and effects of TPG during clinical practice in a tertiary health institution in Enugu, Nigeria.
Stella Ngozika Ugwu+3 more
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Course-embedded assessment in Korean nursing baccalaureate education [PDF]
Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the program outcome in nursing baccalaureate in Korea. The analysis based on course embedded assessment. The concrete objectives were establishment of program outcome assessment, confirmation of student competency ...
Hyun Kyoung Kim
doaj +4 more sources
Introduction Patient safety is an issue of utmost concern within health care. An interrelated approach between nursing education and practice is needed.
Lisa M. Rebeschi PhD, MSN, RN, CNE
doaj +2 more sources
Distance Education An Opportunity to Support Nursing in Southeast Asia [PDF]
Aims and Objectives This discursive paper aims to discuss the potential creation of a bridging BNS program in selected Southeast Asian countries to increase the number of nurse educators for the goal of having local educators to increase the number of ...
Robert L Anders, Wipada Kunaviktikul
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Development of Standards and Criteria for Accreditation of Baccalaureate Nursing Education Program [PDF]
The goal of accreditation is to ensure that the education provided by an institution of higher education meets an acceptable level of quality. This study developed standards and criteria for accreditation of baccalaureate nursing education programs, by ...
Yang Heui Ahn+4 more
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Background The COVID-19 pandemic mandated the reconstruction of educational programs globally. For nursing students in need of practical learning and training as a part of their curriculum, the pandemic also caused restrictions and alterations in ...
Gudrun Rohde+6 more
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Introduction High-fidelity simulation (HFS) can bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and nursing practice and improve safety and quality of patient care in baccalaureate nursing education.
Xiaoli Chen+3 more
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SherLOCKED: A Detective-themed Serious Game for Cyber Security Education [PDF]
Gamification and Serious Games are progressively being used over a host of fields, particularly to support education. Such games provide a new way to engage students with content and can complement more traditional approaches to learning. This article proposes SherLOCKED, a new serious game created in the style of a 2D top-down puzzle adventure.
arxiv +1 more source
Transdisciplinary AI Education: The Confluence of Curricular and Community Needs in the Instruction of Artificial Intelligence [PDF]
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into education has the potential to transform the way we learn and teach. In this paper, we examine the current state of AI in education and explore the potential benefits and challenges of incorporating this technology into the classroom.
arxiv +1 more source