Results 1 to 10 of about 1,337,039 (357)
Electrophoresis of positioned nucleosomes [PDF]
We present in this paper an original approach to compute the electrophoretic mobility of rigid nucleo-protein complexes like nucleosomes. This model allows to address theoretically the influence of complex position along DNA, as well as wrapped length of DNA on the electrophoretic mobility of the complex. The predictions of the model are in qualitative
Castelnovo, Martin, Grauwin, Sébastian
arxiv +12 more sources
The repton model of gel electrophoresis [PDF]
We discuss the repton model of agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA. We review previous results, both analytic and numerical, as well as presenting a new numerical algorithm for the efficient simulation of the model, and suggesting a new approach to the model's analytic solution.
Barkema+17 more
arxiv +3 more sources
Membrane proteins and proteomics: Love is possible, but so difficult [PDF]
Despite decades of extensive research, the large-scale analysis of membrane proteins remains a difficult task. This is due to the fact that membrane proteins require a carefully balanced hydrophilic and lipophilic environment, which optimum varies with different proteins, while most protein chemistry methods work mainly, if not only, in water-based ...
Adessi+103 more
arxiv +5 more sources
Magnetophoresis of Tagged Polymers [PDF]
We present quantitative results for the drift velocity of a polymer in a gel if a force (e.g. through an electric or magnetic field) acts on a tag, attached to one of its ends. This is done by introducing a modification of the Rubinstein-Duke model for electrophoresis of DNA.
Barkema, G. T., Schütz, G. M.
arxiv +4 more sources
Electrophoresis of pepsin [PDF]
Arne Tiselius+2 more
openalex +4 more sources
Release of protein N-glycans by effectors of a Hofmann carboxamide rearrangement
Background: Chemical methods for glycan release have gained traction because of their cost efficiency, accelerated reaction time and ability to release glycans not amenable to enzymatic cleavage.
Mumtaz Kasim+5 more
doaj +1 more source
Analytical methods fr direct quantitative N-glycan analysis require a sequence of sample preparation and clean-up steps that result in reduced glycan recovery. Therefore, we aimed to combine glycan release and labeling steps. Based on the hypothesis that
Mumtaz Kasim+8 more
doaj +1 more source
Reporting two hemoglobin J Iran cases, molecular follow-up, or is it insignificant? [PDF]
Background: Hemoglobin J is one of the fast hemoglobin that has a more negative charge due to β77His→Asp substitution. Acquisition of this hemoglobin is not associated with any specific clinical sign, but the combination of this hemoglobinopathy with ...
Amin Solouki+3 more
The Evolution of the Sickle Cell Anaemia in the Region of Kinshasa: a Mathematic Modelling
We attempt to study the evolution of the sickle cell anaemia in the region of Kinshasa by proposing three models based on Markov processes. The first two models namely, the idealistic and the quasi- idealistic models fail to completely describe the data
R.Gilles Bokolo+3 more
doaj +1 more source
Electrokinetic characterization of synthetic protein nanoparticles
The application of nanoparticle in medicine is promising for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. However, the slow progress in the field has resulted in relatively few therapies being translated into the clinic.
Daniel F. Quevedo+7 more
doaj +1 more source