Results 1 to 10 of about 50 (49)

Advances in Food Processing (Food Preservation, Food Safety, Quality and Manufacturing Processes) [PDF]

open access: yesApplied Sciences, 2021
The aim of this special issue was to bring about advances in the area of food manufacturing, including packaging, addressing issues of food safety, quality, fraud and how these processes (new and old) could affect the organoleptic characteristics of foods, with the aim of promoting consumer satisfaction [...]
Panagiotis Tsarouhas, Theodoros Varzakas
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Coronavirus Disease among Workers in Food Processing, Food Manufacturing, and Agriculture Workplaces [PDF]

open access: yesEmerging Infectious Diseases, 2021
We describe coronavirus disease (COVID-19) among US food manufacturing and agriculture workers and provide updated information on meat and poultry processing workers. Among 742 food and agriculture workplaces in 30 states, 8,978 workers had confirmed COVID-19; 55 workers died.
Farah S Ahmed   +54 more
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Transformational Steam Infusion Processing for Resilient and Sustainable Food Manufacturing Businesses [PDF]

open access: yesFoods, 2021
Here we show how food and beverage manufacturers report more incisive sustainability and product fulfilment outcomes for their business enterprises when innovative processing technologies are used. The reported steam infusion technology heats food materials within a Vaction Pump device so that steam is directed into the food material within a much ...
Christopher Brooks   +5 more
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Food manufacturing processes and technical data used in the exposure assessment of food enzymes

open access: yesEFSA Journal, 2023
Food enzymes are used for technical purposes in the production of food ingredients or foods-as-consumed. In the European Union, the safety of a food enzyme is evaluated by EFSA on the basis of a technical dossier provided by an applicant. Dietary exposure is an integral part of the risk assessment of food enzymes. To develop exposure models specific to
EFSA Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes and Processing Aids (CEP)   +24 more
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Customer‐driven manufacturing in the food processing industry

open access: yesBritish Food Journal, 2000
The food processing industry copes with high logistical demands from its customers. This paper studies a company changing to more customer‐ (order‐) driven manufacturing. In order to help decide which products should be made to order and which made to stock, a frame is developed and applied to find and balance market and process characteristics.
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Engineering aspects of rate-related processes in food manufacturing [PDF]

open access: yesBioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 2015
Abstract Many rate-related phenomena occur in food manufacturing processes. This review addresses four of them, all of which are topics that the author has studied in order to design food manufacturing processes that are favorable from the standpoint of food engineering.
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Bioaccessibility of Biofortified Sweet Potato Carotenoids in Baby Food: Impact of Manufacturing Process [PDF]

open access: yesFrontiers in Nutrition, 2018
Orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP), a biofortified crop rich in β-carotene, can be used as a component of baby food recipes in order to tackle vitamin A deficiency in children
Claudie Dhuique-Mayer   +7 more
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Automation in Snack Manufacture and Food Processing Items

open access: yes, 2018
Small Scale Industries that produce snack and food products that provides significant contribution towards the economic development. But, they face lot many problems in functioning. Peanut Chikki is a traditional sweet made from peanut and jaggery. Our project aims at reducing being laborious and increase manufacturing peanut chikki.
Major. Dr. P. S. Raghavendran   +2 more
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Advanced Manufacturing Systems in Food Processing and Packaging Industry

open access: yesIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2013
In this paper, several advanced manufacturing systems in food processing and packaging industry are reviewed, including: biodegradable smart packaging and Nano composites, advanced automation control system consists of fieldbus technology, distributed control system and food safety inspection features.
Faieza Abdul Aziz, Mohd Shafie Sani
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Temperature Integrators as tools to validate thermal processes in food manufacturing

open access: yesProcedia Food Science, 2011
AbstractCharacterisation of thermal processes remains is challenge as it involves rotating parts and reasonably high temperatures thus making use of measurement techniques such as thermocouples unusable. Time Temperature Integrators (TTIs) has been suggested as an alternative that would provide information that would allow process design and validation.
Peter J. Fryer   +6 more
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