Results 1 to 10 of about 7,045,781 (272)

Expert Advice on Community-based Grid Containment of COVID-19 Pandemic by the General Practice Network & Regional Medical Consortium [PDF]

open access: yesZhongguo quanke yixue, 2022
The COVID-19 containment has become a top global public health concern. China has obtained a phased achievement in containing COVID-19 pandemic, during the process, primary medical institutions and general practitioner teams in regional medical ...
Specialty Committee for Primary Medicine Education, China Medicine Education Association, Commission of General Practice, Health Exchange and Cooperation Cross the Taiwan Straits Association, Guangdong Primary Healthcare Association, General Practitioner Branch of Guangdong Medical Doctor Association
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Pædagogisk rettet forskning og dens mulige kontinuitetsformer i det post-traditionelle samfund: Dannelse som bro-begreb for innovativ tradering

open access: yesNordic Studies in Education, 2022
The article takes as point of departure the current critique of ‘general education’ (Allgemeine Pädagogik) as a paradigm no longer possible nor relevant.
Frederik Pio
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Using Mixed Reality to Support Inclusive Teaching Strategies in General and Special Education Preparation Programs

open access: yesSocial Sciences, 2023
Preparing teacher candidates to provide learning strategies that support the differentiated needs of students should be at the forefront of all educator preparation programs (EPPs).
Maria B. Peterson-Ahmad   +2 more
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Character Values In General Education At University

open access: yesJurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial, 2023
The research objective focuses on examining the character values contained in the Compulsory Curriculum Subjects or Mata Kuliah Wajib Kurikulum (MKWK). Content analysis and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) attended by education experts.
Mupid Hidayat   +4 more
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Fostering Tolerance and Respect for Diversity through the Fundamentals of Islamic Education

open access: yesReligions, 2023
Societies are getting more diverse, with social issues increasing, necessitating the need to intensify efforts to promote tolerance and respect for diversity.
Semiyu Adejare Aderibigbe   +5 more
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A review of clustering models in educational data science towards fairness-aware learning [PDF]

open access: yesEducational Data Science: Essentials, Approaches, and Tendencies, 2023, 2023
Ensuring fairness is essential for every education system. Machine learning is increasingly supporting the education system and educational data science (EDS) domain, from decision support to educational activities and learning analytics. However, the machine learning-based decisions can be biased because the algorithms may generate the results based ...
arxiv   +1 more source

Online Discussions as an Intervention for Strengthening Students’ Engagement in General Education

open access: yesJournal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market and Complexity, 2020
Research suggests that students are skeptical about the values of General Education courses. This revelation calls for different strategies to improve students’ engagement in the classes, including the use of online learning platforms.
Semiyu Adejare Aderibigbe
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Developing students’ social values within the US higher education institutions

open access: yesНауковий Вісник Південноукраїнського Національного Педагогічного Університету імені К. Д. Ушинського, 2020
The experience of the United States, where in higher education students are trained for conscious social activities and independent responsibility for the benefit of the community and society as a whole, seems to be significant for the theory and ...
Sharanova Yuliia
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Liberal education w Polsce. Między kształceniem ogólnym a edukacją liberalną

open access: yesPaedagogia Christiana, 2014
Tekst rozważa problem liberal education jako edukacji liberalnej i jej możliwości rozwijania w Polsce. Przyjmuje się w nim szerszą wykładnię jej rozumienia, które nie ogranicza jej do poziomu kształcenia akademickiego, ale szuka dla niej miejsca także na
Katarzyna Wrońska
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