Results 1 to 10 of about 176,102 (212)
Translation of Rl7 RNA fragments [PDF]
Journal ArticleExamination of the events during infection of cells by RNA phages reveals phemonomena that are surprisingly complex for a virus that has only enough information to code for three to four proteins.
Gesteland, Raymond F., Spahr, Pierre F.
Transfer RNA-derived small RNAs in the cancer transcriptome [PDF]
The cellular lifetime includes stages such as differentiation, proliferation, division, senescence and apoptosis.These stages are driven by a strictly ordered process of transcription dynamics.
A Dueck+38 more
core +1 more source
Stochastic gene expression with delay [PDF]
The expression of genes usually follows a two-step procedure. First, a gene (encoded in the genome) is transcribed resulting in a strand of (messenger) RNA. Afterwards, the RNA is translated into protein. Classically, this gene expression is modeled using a Markov jump process including activation and deactivation of the gene, transcription and ...
An atlas of cortical circular RNA expression in Alzheimer disease brains demonstrates clinical and pathological associations. [PDF]
Parietal cortex RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) data were generated from individuals with and without Alzheimer disease (AD; ncontrol = 13; nAD = 83) from the Knight Alzheimer Disease Research Center (Knight ADRC).
Bateman, Randall J+22 more
Modeling noise in gene expression
ONTARE. REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE LA FACULTAD DE INGENIERÍA This study deals with the modeling of the basic steps of gene expression in biological systems.
Ivan Mura
Dynamics of gene expression and the regulatory inference problem [PDF]
From the response to external stimuli to cell division and death, the dynamics of living cells is based on the expression of specific genes at specific times. The decision when to express a gene is implemented by the binding and unbinding of transcription factor molecules to regulatory DNA.
arxiv +1 more source
Objective: the pourpose of the study was to determine if there are any differences between placenta derived plasmatic levels of messenger RNA in normal and future preeclamptic pregnancies and if these placental transcripts can predict preeclampsia long ...
Surugiu Sebastian+4 more
doaj +1 more source
Probing Noise in Gene Expression and Protein Production [PDF]
We derive exact solutions of simplified models for the temporal evolution of the protein concentration within a cell population arbitrarily far from the stationary state. We show that monitoring the dynamics can assist in modeling and understanding the nature of the noise and its role in gene expression and protein production.
arxiv +1 more source
Biochemical Aspects of Genetics [PDF]
It would be impossible, in the time and space available, to cover all of the noteworthy advances that have been made in biochemical genetics during the past year.
Horowitz, N. H., Metzenberg, Robert L.
core +1 more source
Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Ischemic Stroke of Different Etiologies Have Distinct Alternatively Spliced mRNA Profiles in the Blood: a Pilot RNA-seq Study. [PDF]
Whole transcriptome studies have used 3'-biased expression microarrays to study genes regulated in the blood of stroke patients. However, alternatively spliced messenger RNA isoforms have not been investigated for ischemic stroke or intracerebral ...
Ander, Bradley P+8 more
core +2 more sources