Results 1 to 10 of about 256,062 (272)
The mitochondrial genome of soybean reveals complex genome structures and gene evolution at intercellular and phylogenetic levels. [PDF]
Determining mitochondrial genomes is important for elucidating vital activities of seed plants. Mitochondrial genomes are specific to each plant species because of their variable size, complex structures and patterns of gene losses and gains during ...
Shengxin Chang+7 more
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Endothelial dysfunction, referring to a disturbance in the vascular homeostasis, has been implicated in many disease conditions including ischemic/reperfusion injury and atherosclerosis.
Venkateswaran Natarajan+8 more
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The pseudo-mitochondrial genome influences mistakes in heteroplasmy interpretation
Background Nuclear mitochondrial pseudogenes (numts) are a potential source of contamination during mitochondrial DNA PCR amplification. This possibility warrants careful experimental design and cautious interpretation of heteroplasmic results.
Wittock Roy+8 more
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Complete mitochondrial genome of Brachionus rubens from wuhu, China (Rotifera, Brachionidae)
The complete mitochondrial genome of Brachionus rubens was sequenced using primers design, clone culture, DNA extraction, LONG-PCR amplification, purification and clone sequencing.
Yi Zhang+7 more
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SARS-CoV-2's closest relative, RaTG13, was generated from a bat transcriptome not a fecal swab: implications for the origin of COVID-19 [PDF]
RaTG13 is the closest related coronavirus genome phylogenetically to SARS-CoV-2, consequently understanding its provenance is of key importance to understanding the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic. The RaTG13 NGS dataset is attributed to a fecal swab from the intermediate horseshoe bat Rhinolophus affinis.
The objective of this study was to obtain the complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of chukar partridge, and to provide reference data for protection and utilization of these resources of chukar partridge.
Yanfang Zhang+11 more
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Taenia Biomolecular Phylogeny and the Impact of Mitochondrial Genes on this Latter [PDF]
Variations in mitochondrial genes are usually considered to infer phylogenies. However some of these genes are lesser constraint than other ones, and thus may blur the phylogenetic signals shared by the majority of the mitochondrial DNA sequences. To investigate such effects, in this research work, the molecular phylogeny of the genus Taenia is studied
The complete mitochondrial genome of the Chilotilapia rhoadesii
In this study, we firstly reported the complete mitochondrial genome of Chilotilapia rhoadesii. The whole mitochondrial genome is 16,580 bp in length, including 2 ribosomal RNA genes, 22 transfer RNA genes and 13 protein-coding genes.
Xiangru Wen+4 more
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Analysis of whole mitogenomes from ancient samples [PDF]
Ancient mitochondrial DNA has been used in a wide variety of palaeontological and archaeological studies, ranging from population dynamics of extinct species to patterns of domestication. Most of these studies have traditionally been based on the analysis of short fragments from the mitochondrial control region, analysed using PCR coupled with Sanger ...
This study aimed to examine the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the Eurasian Harvest Mouse (Micromys minutus) through polymerase chain reaction. The mitochondrial genome of M.
Hong-Yan Wang+3 more
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