Results 1 to 10 of about 99,467 (266)
Introduction: The Multilingual Prism [PDF]
Each year the TESOL & Applied Linguistics programs invite internationally-renowned researchers to give lectures at Teachers College. This year, we had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Jasone Cenoz and Dr.
EunYoung Kang, Natalia Sáez
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Integrating Morphosyntactic and Visual Cues in L1 and L2 Comprehension
This study investigates the relative weighting of morphosyntactic and visual cues in spoken-language comprehension, and whether this varies systematically within and between first (L1) and second language (L2) speakers of German.
Carlotta Isabella Zona, Claudia Felser
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Correlative Coordination and Variable Subject–Verb Agreement in German
Coordinated subjects often show variable number agreement with the finite verb, but linguistic approaches to this phenomenon have rarely been informed by systematically collected data.
Claudia Felser, Anna Jessen
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No(r)way? Language Learning, Stereotypes, and Social Inclusion Among Poles in Norway
This study recognizes the diversity and heterogeneous nature of a migrant group that long has been portrayed and perceived in a limited way, for instance in Norwegian media, without considering the multifaceted nature of the group in question. Drawing on
Anne Golden, Toril Opsahl
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Conceptual Number in Bilingual Agreement Computation: Evidence from German Pseudo-Partitives
During subject–verb agreement (SVA) computation, the conceptual or notional number of the subject can affect whether speakers choose a singular or a plural verb, potentially overriding the grammatical number of the subject’s head.
Jana Reifegerste+2 more
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Constructing the “Good Citizen”: Discourses of Social Inclusion in Swedish Civic Orientation
Sweden has long been described as a beacon of multiculturalism and generous access to citizenship, with integration policies that seek to offer free and equal access to the welfare state.
Simon Bauer+3 more
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Multilingualism and Beyond: Implications for Education
Introduction: The JLE editors explore multilingual perspectives in language learning, education, and society, as compared with mono- and bilingual perspectives.
Lilia Raitskaya, Elena Tikhonova
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BackgroundWeaknesses in executive function have persistently been found to be associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), while bilinguals have been argued to show advantages in executive functions. While there has been some research
Franziska Köder+5 more
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The study presented here is the first contemporary investigation of the subjective compared to the objective ethnolinguistic vitality of West Frisian. West Frisian is a minority language spoken in the province of Fryslân, in the north of the Netherlands.
Kuipers-Zandberg Helga, Kircher Ruth
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Multilingualism – A New Aspect of Teachers' Professional Development [PDF]
Multilingualism is an important element in the life of modern people, and a relevant topic of professional, scientific and political discussion.
Katica Pevec Semec, Saša Jazbec
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