Results 1 to 10 of about 24,736,337 (305)
A. V. Balakrishnan
openalex +4 more sources
We use the fully discrete interpolation coefficient mixed finite element methods to solve the semi-linear parabolic optimal control problems. The space discretization of the state variable is separated using interpolation coefficient mixed finite ...
Jing Wang+3 more
doaj +1 more source
Evolution of water resource allocation in the river basin between administrators and managers
The reasonable allocation of water resources runs through the main links of regional water resource planning and management, which is a complex decision-making issue, ensures the sustainable development and utilization of water resources, and makes a ...
Zuliang Lu+5 more
doaj +1 more source
This paper investigates the adaptive finite element method for nonlinear optimal control problem, and the research content of reference ([21] H. Leng and Y. Chen, 2017) is extended accordingly.
Zuliang Lu +3 more
doaj +1 more source
Balancing for unstable nonlinear systems [PDF]
A previously obtained method of balancing for stable nonlinear systems is extended to unstable nonlinear systems. The similarity invariants obtained by the concept of LQG balancing for an unstable linear system can also be obtained by considering a past ...
Scherpen, J.M.A.
core +13 more sources
Nonlinear System Identification: A User-Oriented Road Map [PDF]
Nonlinear system identification is an extremely broad topic, since every system that is not linear is nonlinear. That makes it impossible to give a full overview of all aspects of the fi eld.
J. Schoukens, L. Ljung
semanticscholar +1 more source
Nonlinear System Identification of Soft Robot Dynamics Using Koopman Operator Theory [PDF]
Soft robots are challenging to model due in large part to the nonlinear properties of soft materials. Fortunately, this softness makes it possible to safely observe their behavior under random control inputs, making them amenable to large-scale data ...
Daniel Bruder, C. Remy, Ram Vasudevan
semanticscholar +1 more source
This paper investigates the adaptive finite element method for an optimal control problem governed by a bilinear elliptic equation. We establish the finite element discrete scheme for the bilinear optimal control problem and use a dual argument ...
Zuliang Lu +5 more
doaj +1 more source
This paper discusses some a priori error estimates of bilinear elliptic optimal control problems based on the finite volume element approximation. A case-based numerical example serves to discuss with optimal $ L^2 $-norm error estimates and $ L^{\infty}
Zuliang Lu+5 more
doaj +1 more source
Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems [PDF]
In the last few decades, theory of dynamical systems has become a rapidly growing area of mathematics and attracted many researchers. This theory is an important and well-established branch of the modern mathematics. The reason lies in the fact that the study of dynamical systems not only has an important theoretical interest, but also is motivated by ...
Maoan Han+3 more
openaire +4 more sources