Results 1 to 10 of about 50 (49)

Perioperative diabetes care [PDF]

open access: yesClinical Medicine, 2019
People with diabetes occupy approximately 18% of all acute inpatient hospital beds in the UK, compared with 6.5% of the general population. For those undergoing surgery, having diabetes is known to be associated with increased harms, however harm is defined.
Nicholas Levy, Ketan Dhatariya
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Prehabilitation in perioperative care [PDF]

open access: yesBritish Journal of Surgery, 2017
More work needed on improving fitness for ...
K Moorthy, Venetia Wynter-Blyth
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Critical Care and Perioperative Monitoring [PDF]

open access: yesThe Scientific World Journal, 2014
Advances in perioperative and critical care monitoring have greatly improved the standard of care during the last decades. However, no monitoring tool, no matter how accurate, by itself has improved critical care patients outcome [1]. Moreover, aside from lung-protective mechanical ventilation there has really been no consistent intervention that has ...
Apostolos Papalois   +5 more
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Perioperative Care of the Elderly

open access: yesInternational Journal of Gerontology, 2007
SUMMARYThe geriatric population is growing in number and complexity in modern surgical practice. This challenging group presents differences in physiology and outcomes that make a more comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach necessary. This review emphasizes the meticulous assessment and preparation in all facets before surgery, including a ...
Chien-Liang Liu   +9 more
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Perioperative intensive care medicine [PDF]

open access: yesMedicina Intensiva (English Edition), 2019
Surgery represents one of the main therapeutic references in the world, affording greater survival and life expectancy for many patients. In general, the estimated postoperative mortality is low (around 1-4%). Thirteen percent of the surgical procedures have a high risk of complications, accounting for 80% of all postoperative deaths.
Martín Delgado, María Cruz   +1 more
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Perioperative care of the obese patient [PDF]

open access: yesBritish Journal of Surgery, 2020
Abstract Background Obesity has become an increasing problem worldwide during the past few decades. Hence, surgeons and anaesthetists will care for an increasing number of obese patients in the foreseeable future, and should be prepared to provide optimal management for these individuals.
Carron M.   +3 more
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Perioperative care of the older patient [PDF]

open access: yesZeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 2011
Nearly 60% of the Dutch population undergoing surgery is aged 65 years and over. Older patients are at increased risk of developing perioperative complications (e.g., myocardial infarction, pneumonia, or delirium), which may lead to a prolonged hospital stay or death.
P.G. Noordzij   +5 more
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Contemporary perioperative care strategies [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of British Surgery, 2013
Abstract Background Historically, the preoperative and postoperative care of patients with gastrointestinal cancer was provided by surgeons. Contemporary perioperative care is a truly multidisciplinary endeavour with implications for cancer-specific outcomes.
Olivier Gié   +4 more
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Implementation Science in Perioperative Care [PDF]

open access: yesAnesthesiology Clinics, 2018
There is a 17-year gap between the initial publication of scientific evidence and its uptake into widespread practice in health care. The field of implementation science (IS) emerged in the 1990s as an answer to this “evidence-to-practice gap.” In this article, we present an overview of implementation science, focusing on the application of IS ...
Meghan B. Lane-Fall   +4 more
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Perioperative care of a patient with stroke

open access: yesInternational Archives of Medicine, 2010
Strokes and TIAs, with their high cumulative mortality and morbidity rates, are occurring with increasing frequency in western population 14. As such, it is vital for clinicians to provide optimal medical management in the perioperative period for those patients with this common neurological problem.
Rowan M Burnstein   +3 more
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