Results 1 to 10 of about 366,323 (273)

Péptidos antihipertensivos derivados de proteínas lácteas [PDF]

open access: yes, 2017
La leche es una excelente fuente de nutrientes. Mas allá de su bien documentada función nutricional, la leche ejerce un amplio rango de actividades biológicas que influyen sobre el sistema digestivo y metabólico, el crecimiento y desarrollo de los ...
Contreras, María del Mar   +3 more
core   +2 more sources

Panorama of the Intracellular Molecular Concert Orchestrated by Actinoporins, Pore-Forming Toxins from Sea Anemones

open access: yesToxins, 2021
Actinoporins (APs) are soluble pore-forming proteins secreted by sea anemones that experience conformational changes originating in pores in the membranes that can lead to cell death. The processes involved in the binding and pore-formation of members of
Carlos Alvarez   +8 more
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Isolation and Characterization of NpCI, a New Metallocarboxypeptidase Inhibitor from the Marine Snail Nerita peloronta with Anti-Plasmodium falciparum Activity

open access: yesMarine Drugs, 2023
Metallocarboxypeptidases are zinc-dependent peptide-hydrolysing enzymes involved in several important physiological and pathological processes. They have been a target of growing interest in the search for natural or synthetic compound binders with ...
Aymara Cabrera-Muñoz   +7 more
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Genome-Wide Analysis of the COBRA-Like Gene Family Supports Gene Expansion through Whole-Genome Duplication in Soybean (Glycine max)

open access: yesPlants, 2021
The COBRA-like (COBL) gene family has been associated with the regulation of cell wall expansion and cellulose deposition. COBL mutants result in reduced levels and disorganized deposition of cellulose causing defects in the cell wall and inhibiting ...
Sara Sangi   +6 more
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Introduction to the study of the changes in sunflower seeds during their storage

open access: yesGrasas y Aceites, 1995
A comparative study has been performed to examine the alterations occurring in sunflower seeds during their storage in an air atmosphere and in a nitrogen current.
I. Otero Mateos   +3 more
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Proteínas desordenadas [PDF]

open access: yes, 2014
15 Pags.- 7 Figs.
Yruela Guerrero, Inmaculada
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Antibiosis de proteínas y metabolitos en especies de Trichoderma contra aislamientos paraguayos de Macrophomina phaseolina

open access: yesAgronomía Mesoamericana, 2019
Introducción. Macrophomina phaseolina es un hongo necrotrófico de difícil control. Hongos biocontroladores, como las especies del género Trichoderma, son una alternativa para cultivos afectados por este fitopatógeno. Objetivo.
Alberto Anastacio Cubilla-Ríos   +4 more
semanticscholar   +1 more source

Integration of genome-wide association studies and gene coexpression networks unveils promising soybean resistance genes against five common fungal pathogens

open access: yesScientific Reports, 2021
Soybean is one of the most important legume crops worldwide. However, soybean yield is dramatically affected by fungal diseases, leading to economic losses of billions of dollars yearly.
Fabricio Almeida-Silva   +1 more
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O uso indiscriminado de fertilizantes nitrogenados na cultura do milho ocasiona poluição ambiental. A fixação biológica do nitrogênio (FBN) é uma alternativa para a redução desses químicos em campo.
Rodrigo Mattos Silva Galeano   +3 more
semanticscholar   +1 more source

Computer-aided design of bromelain and papain covalent immobilization

open access: yesRevista Colombiana de Biotecnología, 2014
Enzymes as immobilized derivatives have been widely used in Food, Agrochemical, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological industries. Protein immobilization is probably the most used technology to improve the operational stability of these molecules. Bromelain
Bessy Cutiño-Avila   +9 more
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