Results 1 to 10 of about 3,243,390 (348)
Noncoding RNA gene detection using comparative sequence analysis [PDF]
Background Noncoding RNA genes produce transcripts that exert their function without ever producing proteins. Noncoding RNA gene sequences do not have strong statistical signals, unlike protein coding genes.
Eddy Sean R, Rivas Elena
doaj +6 more sources
Current Developments in RNA Sequence Analysis
field with online, open access to highly relevant scholarly articles by leading international researchers. In a field where the literature is ever-expanding, researchers increasingly need access to up-to-date, high quality scholarly articles on areas of specific contemporary interest.
Jianping Zhang+4 more
doaj +4 more sources
Recent advances in RNA sequence analysis [PDF]
The latest high-throughput DNA sequencing technology can now be applied on a large scale to capture the complete set of mRNA transcripts in a cell, using a technique called RNA-seq.
Salzberg, Steven L
core +6 more sources
RNA sequence analysis landscape: A comprehensive review of task types, databases, datasets, word embedding methods, and language models [PDF]
Deciphering information of RNA sequences reveals their diverse roles in living organisms, including gene regulation and protein synthesis. Aberrations in RNA sequence such as dysregulation and mutations can drive a diverse spectrum of diseases including ...
Muhammad Nabeel Asim+3 more
doaj +2 more sources
Sequence variant analysis of RNA sequences in severe equine asthma [PDF]
Background Severe equine asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lung in horses similar to low-Th2 late-onset asthma in humans. This study aimed to determine the utility of RNA-Seq to call gene sequence variants, and to identify sequence variants
Laurence Tessier+2 more
doaj +4 more sources
A complex adaptive systems approach to the kinetic folding of RNA [PDF]
The kinetic folding of RNA sequences into secondary structures is modeled as a complex adaptive system, the components of which are possible RNA structural rearrangements (SRs) and their associated bases and base pairs. RNA bases and base pairs engage in local stacking interactions that determine the probabilities (or fitnesses) of possible SRs ...
Abrahams+41 more
arxiv +5 more sources
RNA-sequence analysis of human B-cells. [PDF]
RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) allows quantitative measurement of expression levels of genes and their transcripts. In this study, we sequenced complementary DNA fragments of cultured human B-cells and obtained 879 million 50-bp reads comprising 44 Gb of ...
J. Toung+3 more
semanticscholar +4 more sources
Tracking Cryptosporidium parvum by Sequence Analysis of Small Double-Stranded RNA
We sequenced a 173-nucleotide fragment of the small double-stranded viruslike RNA of Cryptosporidium parvum isolates from 23 calves and 38 humans. Sequence diversity was detected at 17 sites.
Lihua Xiao+3 more
doaj +2 more sources
RNA sequence analysis using covariance models.
We describe a general approach to several RNA sequence analysis problems using probabilistic models that flexibly describe the secondary structure and primary sequence consensus of an RNA sequence family. We call these models 'covariance models'.
S. Eddy, R. Durbin
semanticscholar +4 more sources
DNApi: A De Novo Adapter Prediction Algorithm for Small RNA Sequencing Data. [PDF]
With the rapid accumulation of publicly available small RNA sequencing datasets, third-party meta-analysis across many datasets is becoming increasingly powerful.
Junko Tsuji, Zhiping Weng
doaj +6 more sources