Results 1 to 10 of about 2,732,568 (348)
Perspective from a Teaching and Learning Center During Emergency Remote Teaching. [PDF]
During the COVID-19 pandemic, universities around the globe frantically and emergently switched to remote teaching. This commentary provides the perspective from a teaching and learning center about the difference between emergency remote teaching and online learning, plus suggestions for preparing for an online fall semester.
Schlesselman LS.
europepmc +6 more sources
Web Services of Centers for Teaching and Learning [PDF]
The web services of the CTLs(Center for Teaching and Learning) of 30 well known Korean and foreign universities have been evaluated in the present study. The CTLs of renowned foreign universities surpass Korean CTLs in terms of manpower. Nevertheless, the web services of the renowned Korean universities' are in no way inferior to those of the foreign ...
Sang-Zo Nam
openalex +4 more sources
Student-centered Approach in Teaching and Learning: What Does It Really Mean?
Student-centered approach has been the center of attention in teaching and learning as the emphasis to shift away from teacher-centered approach is growing. While the term has been widely used, it remains unclear how it can be effectively operationalized
Kuok Ho Daniel Tang
openalex +3 more sources
Evaluating Centers for Teaching and Learning: A Field–Tested Model [PDF]
This paper provides a program evaluation model, along with field-testing results, that was developed in response to the need for an evaluation model able to support systematic evaluation of teaching and learning centers (CTLs). The model builds upon the author's previous studies investigating the evaluation practices and struggles experienced at 53 ...
Susan R. Hines
openalex +3 more sources
5: The Roles of Teaching and Learning Centers [PDF]
Alan C. Frantz+4 more
openalex +3 more sources
Chapter 17: Learning-Centered Evaluation of Teaching [PDF]
Trav D. Johnson
+5 more sources
A Discipline-Based Teaching and Learning Center [PDF]
Laura C. Egan+2 more
openaire +3 more sources
The integration of Student Response Systems (SRSs) into classroom teaching is a pioneering progression in social sciences research that has shown potential in boosting student engagement and elevating academic success.
Ahmad Abdul-Wahhab Shahba+4 more
doaj +1 more source
108新課綱強調「透過探究與實作達到課程統整的目的」,因此,師資職前教育課程基準要求師資生具備「協同發展跨領域課程教學與評量」及「探究與實作設計與實施」的專業素養。簡言之,即師資生須具備發展「跨學科探究與實作」的「課程教學與評量」之素養。然如何培養師資生這些素養以及成效如何,尚缺實徵研究。近年芬蘭推動「現象為本的學習」或可培養這些素養,研究者據以開發一門「雙實作」的「教育實踐課程」,第一個實作是師資生在大學端親身經歷探究實作的過程,接著進入第二個實作:設計一門「探究入門」微課程,到高中端教學實踐5週 ...
符碧真 Bih-Jen Fwu+1 more
doaj +1 more source
Neighborhood characteristics are well documented determinants of adolescent and adult health and well-being. One such neighborhood characteristic heavily explored in K-12 research is the role of residential segregation on educational outcomes ...
Teka Lenahan+6 more
doaj +1 more source