Results 1 to 10 of about 316,270 (363)

Evaluation of the cognitive, physiological, and biomarker effects of heavy metal exposure in Wistar rats [PDF]

open access: yesVeterinary World
Background and Aim: Individuals exposed to heavy metals are known to experience physiological and biochemical changes, which raise questions regarding possible health effects.
Senna Mukhi   +6 more
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Evaluation of the neurotoxical effect of aluminum on the Wistar rat [PDF]

open access: yesArchives of Biological Sciences, 2010
Our previous investigations on an animal model of neurotoxicity show that increased power in the delta range is connected with the neurotoxic effect of aluminum exposure.
Martać L., Podgorac J., Sekulić S.
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Use of cyanoacrylate-based surgical adhesives associated to the macroporous tape in skin synthesis in rats [PDF]

open access: yesActa Cirúrgica Brasileira, 2019
Purpose: To compare the use of new cyanoacrylate surgical adhesive associated with macroporous tapes in cutaneous synthesis. Methods: Male Wistar rats with a longitudinal incision of 4cm were used on the back, divided into four groups: GI used octyl ...
João Ilgenfritz Neto   +8 more
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Low-carbohydrate diets affect energy balance and fuel homeostasis differentially in lean and obese rats [PDF]

open access: yes, 2006
In parallel with increased prevalence of overweight people in affluent societies are individuals trying to lose weight, often using low-carbohydrate diets.
Dijk, G. van,   +3 more
core   +7 more sources

Expression of Protein Kinase C Isoforms in Pancreatic Islets and Liver of Male Goto-Kakizaki Rats, a Model of Type 2 Diabetes. [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2015
Protein kinase C (PKC) is a family of protein kinases controlling protein phosphorylation and playing important roles in the regulation of metabolism. We have investigated expression levels of PKC isoforms in pancreatic islets and liver of diabetic Goto ...
Mohammed Seed Ahmed   +4 more
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In Vivo Assessment of Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis Using Ultrasound Localization Microscopy [PDF]

open access: yes, 2021
Purpose: As a typical chronic kidney disease (CKD), hypertensive nephrosclerosis (HN) is a common syndrome of hypertension, characterized by chronic kidney microvascular damage. Early diagnosis of microvascular damage using conventional ultrasound imaging encounters challenges in sensitivity and specificity owing to the inherent diffraction limit ...
arxiv   +1 more source

Prostatic alterations associated to early weaning and its relation with cocoa powder supplementation. Experimental study in adult wistar rats

open access: yesInternational Brazilian Journal of Urology, 2021
Early weaning can predispose the offspring to greater risk of developing chronic diseases in adulthood. It is believed that the consumption of functional foods is able to prevent these effects. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of maternal
Carolina Alves Procópio de Oliveira   +4 more
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A low coefficient of variation in hepatic triglyceride concentration in an inbred rat strain

open access: yesLipids in Health and Disease, 2020
Background Inbred strains are characterized by less genetic variation, which suggests usefulness of inbred strains for evaluations of various parameters.
Tomoko Shimoda   +8 more
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open access: yesActa Ortopédica Brasileira, 2016
Objective: To evaluate the evolution of injuries of the supraspinatus muscle by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and anatomopathological analysis in animal model (Wistar rats).
Luiz Henrique Oliveira Almeida   +5 more
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Histometric analysis of gingival hyperplasia in Wistar rats during nifedipine administration [PDF]

open access: yesVojnosanitetski Pregled, 2007
Background/Aim. The use of calcium channel blockers, especially nifedipine, causes gingival hyperplasia which leads to the destruction of the deeper periodontal tissues.
Brkić Zlata
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