Choice of 16S Ribosomal RNA Primers Impacts Male Urinary Microbiota Profiling [PDF]
Accessibility to next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies has enabled the profiling of microbial communities living in distinct habitats. 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing is widely used for microbiota profiling with NGS technologies.
Vitor Heidrich+8 more
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Considerations and best practices in animal science 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing microbiome studies [PDF]
Microbiome studies in animal science using 16S rRNA gene sequencing have become increasingly common in recent years as sequencing costs continue to fall and bioinformatic tools become more powerful and user-friendly. The combination of molecular biology,
M. Weinroth+16 more
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Diagnostic Value of 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene Polymerase Chain Reaction/Sanger Sequencing in Clinical Practice. [PDF]
BACKGROUND Accurate microbiologic diagnosis is important for appropriate management of infectious diseases. Sequencing-based molecular diagnostics are increasingly used for precision diagnosis of infections.
M. Fida+8 more
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16S Ribosomal RNA PCR Versus Conventional Diagnostic Culture in the Investigation of Suspected Bacterial Keratitis [PDF]
Purpose The purpose of this study was to compare conventional diagnostic culture (CDC) to 16S ribosomal RNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis for diagnosing bacterial keratitis. Methods Samples collected from 100 consecutive patients presenting to
Tobi F Somerville+4 more
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Reading canonical and modified nucleobases in 16S ribosomal RNA using nanopore native RNA sequencing [PDF]
The ribosome small subunit is expressed in all living cells. It performs numerous essential functions during translation, including formation of the initiation complex and proofreading of base-pairs between mRNA codons and tRNA anticodons.
Andrew M. Smith+4 more
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In Silico and Experimental Evaluation of Primer Sets for Species-Level Resolution of the Vaginal Microbiota Using 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequencing [PDF]
Background Identification of bacteria in human vaginal specimens is commonly performed using 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequences. However, studies utilize different 16S primer sets, sequence databases, and parameters for sample and database ...
W. J. Van Der Pol+7 more
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Choice of 16S ribosomal RNA primers affects the microbiome analysis in chicken ceca [PDF]
Nadia T. Darwish+3 more
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16S ribosomal RNA sequencing reveals a modulation of intestinal microbiome and immune response by dietary L-theanine supplementation in broiler chickens [PDF]
Despite the availability of abundant literature on green tea, studies on the use of L‐theanine (an amino acid found only in green tea) as a feed additive in poultry especially broiler are limited.
M. Saeed+4 more
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The essential nature of YqfG, a YbeY homologue required for 3′ maturation of Bacillus subtilis 16S ribosomal RNA is suppressed by deletion of RNase R [PDF]
Ribosomal RNAs are processed from primary transcripts containing 16S, 23S and 5S rRNAs in most bacteria. Maturation generally occurs in a two-step process, consisting of a first crude separation of the major species by RNase III during transcription ...
Kathrin Baumgardt+3 more
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Aminoglycoside Resistance: Updates with a Focus on Acquired 16S Ribosomal RNA Methyltransferases. [PDF]
J. Wachino, Y. Doi, Y. Arakawa
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