Results 1 to 10 of about 821,723 (404)
Studies of global changes in mRNA abundance may be less than insightful.
openaire +2 more sources
Correlation Statistics for cDNA Microarray Image Analysis [PDF]
In this report, correlation of the pixels comprising a microarray spot is investigated. Subsequently, correlation statistics namely: Pearson correlation and Spearman rank correlation are used to segment the foreground and background intensity of microarray spots.
Detection of differentially expressed genes in primary tumor tissues using representational differences analysis coupled to microarray hybridization [PDF]
Scott M. Welford+6 more
openalex +1 more source
Limit Theorems for Hybridization Reactions on Oligonucleotide Microarrays [PDF]
We derive herein the limiting laws for certain stationary distributions of birth-and-death processes related to the classical model of chemical adsorption-desorption reactions due to Langmuir. The model has been recently considered in the context of a hybridization reaction on an oligonucleotide DNA microarray.
Searching for Evidence of Altered Gene Expression: a Comment on Statistical Analysis of Microarray Data [PDF]
Janet Wittes, Haya Friedman
openalex +1 more source
Temporal Bayesian classifiers for modelling muscular dystrophy expression data [PDF]
The analysis of microarray data from time-series experiments requires specialised algorithms, which take the temporal ordering of the data into account. In this paper we explore a new architecture of Bayesian classifier that can be used to understand how
Hoen, PAC't+3 more
Analysis of gene expression in lymphoid malignancies using the Lymphochip cDNA microarray [PDF]
Louis M. Staudt
openalex +1 more source
One important issue commonly encountered in the analysis of microarray data is to decide which and how many genes should be selected for further studies.
Baldi+5 more
core +1 more source