Results 1 to 10 of about 1,339,692 (430)

NLRP3 tyrosine phosphorylation is controlled by protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN22. [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Clinical Investigation, 2016
Inflammasomes form as the result of the intracellular presence of danger-associated molecular patterns and mediate the release of active IL-1β, which influences a variety of inflammatory responses.
M. Spalinger   +21 more
semanticscholar   +8 more sources

Association of phenylalanine and tyrosine metabolism with mortality and response to nutritional support among patients at nutritional risk: a secondary analysis of the randomized clinical trial EFFORT [PDF]

open access: yesFrontiers in Nutrition
BackgroundElevated phenylalanine serum level is a surrogate marker of whole-body proteolysis and has been associated with increased mortality in critically ill patients.
Lena C. Buchmueller   +15 more
doaj   +2 more sources

Archaeal tyrosine recombinases [PDF]

open access: yesFEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2021
ABSTRACTThe integration of mobile genetic elements into their host chromosome influences the immediate fate of cellular organisms and gradually shapes their evolution. Site-specific recombinases catalyzing this integration have been extensively characterized both in bacteria and eukarya.
Catherine Badel   +2 more
openaire   +5 more sources

Long-Term Hyperglycemia Causes Depressive Behaviors in Mice with Hypoactive Glutamatergic Activity in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex, Which Is Not Reversed by Insulin Treatment

open access: yesCells, 2022
The etiology of hyperglycemic-induced depressive behaviors is unclear. We hypothesized that long-term hyperglycemia may induce long-lasting disturbances in glutamatergic signaling and neural damages, causing depressive behaviors. To prove our hypothesis,
Ji Hyeong Baek   +6 more
doaj   +1 more source

Tyrosine-Dependent Phenotype Switching Occurs Early in Many Primary Melanoma Cultures Limiting Their Translational Value

open access: yesFrontiers in Oncology, 2021
The use of patient-derived primary cell cultures in cancer preclinical assays, including drug screens and genotoxic studies, has increased in recent years.
Ahmad Najem   +17 more
doaj   +1 more source

Association of alkaptonuria and low dose nitisinone therapy with cataract formation in a large cohort of patients

open access: yesJIMD Reports, 2022
Homogentisic acid (HGA) lowering, disease modifying off‐label nitisinone therapy has been used in the United Kingdom National Alkaptonuria Centre (NAC) since 2012.
Mohammad S. Z. Ahmad   +6 more
doaj   +1 more source

Roles of the tyrosine isomers meta- tyrosine and ortho- tyrosine in oxidative stress [PDF]

open access: yesAgeing Research Reviews, 2016
The damage to cellular components by reactive oxygen species, termed oxidative stress, both increases with age and likely contributes to age-related diseases including Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cataract formation. In the setting of oxidative stress, hydroxyl radicals can oxidize the benzyl ring of the amino acid phenylalanine,
Alfred L. Fisher, Brett R. Ipson
openaire   +3 more sources

Effects of Sodium Chloride on Tyramine Production in a Fermented Food Model and its Inhibition by Tyrosine-degrading Lactobacillus plantarum JA-1199

open access: yesCHIMIA, 2020
Tyramine is a health-adverse biogenic amine, which can accumulate in fermented foods like cheese by decarboxylation of the free amino acid tyrosine by either starter cultures or resident microbes such as lactic acid bacteria including Enterococcus spp ...
Janine Anderegg   +2 more
doaj   +1 more source

Síndrome de Fanconi e hepatocarcinoma por tirosinemia tipo 1: relato de caso e revisão de literatura

open access: yesResidência Pediátrica, 2023
INTRODUCTION: Type 1 tyrosinemia is an innate error of tyrosine catabolism, causing an accumulation of its metabolites in the organism, which end up triggering organic changes, especially in the liver, kidneys and central nervous system.
Maria Eduarda Turczyn De Lucca   +6 more
doaj   +1 more source

Roaming leads to amino acid photodamage: A deep learning study of tyrosine [PDF]

open access: yes, 2021
Although the amino acid tyrosine is among the main building blocks of life, its photochemistry is not fully understood. Traditional theoretical simulations are neither accurate enough, nor computationally efficient to provide the missing puzzle pieces to the experimentally observed signatures obtained via time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy or mass ...
arxiv   +1 more source

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