Results 1 to 10 of about 294,423 (378)

Investigation of [11C]carfentanil for mu opioid receptor quantification in the rat brain

open access: yesScientific Reports
[11C]Carfentanil ([11C]CFN) is the only selective carbon-11 labeled radiotracer currently available for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of mu opioid receptors (MORs).
Andrew C. Kelleher   +17 more
doaj   +1 more source

A simple, highly efficient method for heterologous expression in mammalian primary neurons using cationic lipid-mediated mRNA transfection

open access: yesFrontiers in Neuroscience, 2010
Expression of heterologous proteins in adult mammalian neurons is a valuable technique for the study of neuronal function. The postmitotic nature of mature neurons prevents effective DNA transfection using simple, cationic lipid-based methods.
Damian J Williams   +2 more
doaj   +1 more source

A Novel Approach Towards Identification of Alcohol and Drug Induced People [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2020
The paper proposes a novel approach towards identification of alcohol and drug induced people, through the use of a wearable bracelet.As alcohol and drug induced human people are in an unconscious state of mind, they need external help from the surroundings.With proposed Bracelet system we can identify the alcohol and drug indused people and warning ...

Investigating molecular mechanism for the stability of ternary systems containing cetrimide, fatty alcohol and water by using computer simulation [PDF]

open access: yesJ. Mol. Graph. Model., 95 (2020) 107500, 2019
Computer simulations using atomistic model are carried out to investigate the stability of ternary systems of pure or mixed fatty alcohols, cetrimide, and water. These semi$-$solid oil-in-water systems are used as the main component of pharmaceutical creams. Experiments show that the mixed alcohol systems are more stable than pure ones.
arxiv   +1 more source

Identification of Transdiagnostic Childhood Externalizing Pathology Within an Electronic Medical Records Database and Application to the Analysis of Rare Copy Number Variation

open access: yesAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, EarlyView.
ABSTRACT Externalizing traits and behaviors are broadly defined by impairments in self‐regulation and impulse control that typically begin in childhood and adolescence. Externalizing behaviors, traits, and symptoms span a range of traditional psychiatric diagnostic categories.
India A. Reddy   +5 more
wiley   +1 more source

A Tale of Two Annies: Historical Memory, Archives and the Perpetuation of the Sinners to Angels Trope in American Sex Worker History

open access: yesGender &History, EarlyView., 2023
Abstract As a historian of sex work, I analyse the power dynamics in the archiving practices and interpretation of sex worker lives, deconstructing the historic and current discourses shaping the possibilities for sex workers. In this article, I explore the legends of nineteenth‐century Madams Annie Cook and Annie Chambers.
Ashley Barnes‐Gilbert
wiley   +1 more source

Leverage and Alcohol Addiction [PDF]

open access: yes, 2012
This paper confronts the question of whether messages can be diluted or even contradicted by the format in which they are delivered through a textual analysis of the TNT procedural drama Leverage, examining the portrayal of alcoholism in the program. The
Gallagher, Tom
core   +1 more source

Alcoholism [PDF]

open access: yes, 2021
In today\u27s society alcoholism is not viewed as a disease but rather an individual\u27s moral shortcomings. While it may be a person\u27s choice to start drinking, somewhere along the way it stops being their choice and becomes a disease that takes ...
Haney, Kathryn
core   +1 more source

Preliminary evidence for changes in frontoparietal network connectivity in the early abstinence period in alcohol use disorder: a longitudinal resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study

open access: yesFrontiers in Psychiatry, 2023
The early abstinence period is a crucial phase in alcohol use disorder (AUD) in which patients have to find a new equilibrium and may start recovery, or conversely, relapse. However, the changes in brain functions during this key period are still largely
Jasper van Oort   +6 more
doaj   +1 more source

A prefrontal-bed nucleus of the stria terminalis circuit limits fear to uncertain threat

open access: yeseLife, 2020
In many cases of trauma, the same environmental stimuli that become associated with aversive events are experienced on other occasions without adverse consequence.
Lucas R Glover   +10 more
doaj   +1 more source

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