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Neuropathic pain [PDF]

open access: yesИнновационная медицина Кубани, 2021
Background Chronic neuropathic pain is a common occurrence, its prevalence ranges from 7 to 10% of the total population. Currently, the only official document that includes neuropathic pain is the International Classification of Headaches Disorders (ICHD-
V. A. Koriachkin   +2 more
doaj   +3 more sources

A modified score to identify and discriminate neuropathic pain: a study on the German version of the neuropathic pain symptom inventory (NPSI) [PDF]

open access: yesBMC Neurology, 2011
Background Neuropathic pain must be correctly diagnosed for optimal treatment. The questionnaire named Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory (NPSI) was developed in its original French version to evaluate the different symptoms of neuropathic pain.
Lungenhausen Margitta   +5 more
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Dorsal root ganglion macrophages contribute to both the initiation and persistence of neuropathic pain. [PDF]

open access: yesNature Communications, 2020
Paralleling the activation of dorsal horn microglia after peripheral nerve injury is a significant expansion and proliferation of macrophages around injured sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia (DRG).
Basbaum, Allan I   +8 more
core   +3 more sources

Translational investigation and treatment of neuropathic pain [PDF]

open access: yesMolecular Pain, 2012
Neuropathic pain develops from a lesion or disease affecting the somatosensory system. Translational investigations of neuropathic pain by using different animal models reveal that peripheral sensitization, spinal and cortical plasticity may play ...
Xu Bo   +4 more
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An Epidemiological Study of Neuropathic Pain Symptoms in Canadian Adults [PDF]

open access: yesPain Research and Management, 2016
The reported prevalence of neuropathic pain ranges from 6.9% to 10%; however the only Canadian study reported 17.9%. The objective of this study was to describe the epidemiology of neuropathic pain in Canada.
Elizabeth G. VanDenKerkhof   +5 more
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Comparative analysis of chronic neuropathic pain and pain assessment in companion animals and humans [PDF]

open access: yesFrontiers in Veterinary Science
Chronic neuropathic pain is underdiagnosed in companion animals. This paper will review the definition of pain and how classification and grading of neuropathic pain can be applied from human to veterinary medicine to increase the recognition of and the ...
Rell L. Parker
doaj   +2 more sources

Somatosensory profiles but not numbers of somatosensory abnormalities of neuropathic pain patients correspond with neuropathic pain grading. [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2012
Due to the lack of a specific diagnostic tool for neuropathic pain, a grading system to categorize pain as 'definite', 'probable', 'possible' and 'unlikely' neuropathic was proposed.
Karl-Heinz Konopka   +8 more
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Emerging Role of Schwann Cells in Neuropathic Pain: Receptors, Glial Mediators and Myelination

open access: yesFrontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2019
Neuropathic pain caused by nerve injury or disease remains a major challenge for modern medicine worldwide. Most of the pathogenic mechanisms underlying neuropathic pain are centered on neuronal mechanisms.
Gang Chen
exaly   +2 more sources

Epigenetic Modifications Associated to Neuroinflammation and Neuropathic Pain After Neural Trauma

open access: yesFrontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2018
Accumulating evidence suggests that epigenetic alterations lie behind the induction and maintenance of neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain is usually a chronic condition caused by a lesion, or pathological change, within the nervous system.
Clara Penas, Xavier Navarro
exaly   +2 more sources

Are voltage-gated sodium channels on the dorsal root ganglion involved in the development of neuropathic pain? [PDF]

open access: yesMolecular Pain, 2011
Neuropathic pain is a common clinical condition. Current treatments are often inadequate, ineffective, or produce potentially severe adverse effects. Understanding the mechanisms that underlie the development and maintenance of neuropathic pain will be ...
Li Yun-Qing   +3 more
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