Results 1 to 10 of about 19,501 (277)

Research Hotspot Prediction and Regular Evolutionary Pattern Identification Based on NSFC Grants Using NMF and Semantic Retrieval [PDF]

open access: goldIEEE Access, 2019
Analyzing the research hotspots and regular evolutionary patterns of R&D projects can help researchers find potential information. This paper considers the titles of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) grants that have been ...
Jinli Wang   +4 more
doaj   +4 more sources

The Supportive Role of International Government Funds on the Progress of Sepsis Research During the Past Decade (2010–2019): A Narrative Review

open access: yesInquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 2022
This narrative review aimed to clarify the characteristics of international government support for sepsis research, trends in published literature on sepsis, and potential contributions of government-source grants to progress in sepsis research between ...
Yuxin Leng PhD   +4 more
doaj   +1 more source

Algebrodynamics: Shear-Free Null Congruences and New Types of Electromagnetic Fields [PDF]

open access: yesAxioms, 2023, 12, 1061, 2023
We briefly present our version of noncommutative analysis over matrix algebras, the algebra of biquaternions ($\mathbb B$) in particular. We demonstrate that any $\mathbb B$-differentiable function gives rise to a null shear-free congruence (NSFC) on the $\mathbb B$-vector space $\mathbb{C}\bf M$ and on its Minkowski subspace $\bf M$. Making use of the
arxiv   +1 more source

Extensions of some matrix inequalities related to trace and partial traces [PDF]

open access: yesLinear Algebra and its Applications 639 (2022) 205-224, 2020
We first present a determinant inequality related to partial traces for positive semidefinite block matrices. Our result extends a result of Lin [Czech. Math. J. 66 (2016)] and improves a result of Kuai [Linear Multilinear Algebra 66 (2018)]. Moreover, we provide a unified treatment of a result of Ando [ILAS Conference (2014)] and a recent result of Li,
arxiv   +1 more source

Recycling and reuse of construction and demolition waste: From the perspective of national natural science foundation-supported research and research-driven application

open access: yesCase Studies in Construction Materials, 2022
Construction and demolition waste (CDW) has been a worldwide issue in the process of urbanization. Chinese government at all levels introduces numerous policies to promote the research and applications of CDW.
Jinjun Xu   +3 more

Magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor instability driven by a rotating magnetic field: Cylindrical liner configuration [PDF]

open access: yesIEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 2019, 2017
We propose using a directional time-varying (rotating) driving magnetic field to suppress magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor (MRT) instability in dynamic Z-pinches. A rotational drive magnetic field is equivalent to two magnetic-field components, {\Theta} and Z, that alternate in time, referred to as an alternate Theta-Z-pinch configuration.
arxiv   +1 more source

Biological conduit small gap sleeve bridging method for peripheral nerve injury: regeneration law of nerve fibers in the conduit

open access: yesNeural Regeneration Research, 2015
The clinical effects of 2-mm small gap sleeve bridging of the biological conduit to repair peripheral nerve injury are better than in the traditional epineurium suture, so it is possible to replace the epineurium suture in the treatment of peripheral ...
Pei-xun Zhang   +7 more
doaj   +1 more source

Use of nerve elongator to repair short-distance peripheral nerve defects: a prospective randomized study

open access: yesNeural Regeneration Research, 2015
Repair techniques for short-distance peripheral nerve defects, including adjacent joint flexion to reduce the distance between the nerve stump defects, "nerve splint" suturing, and nerve sleeve connection, have some disadvantages.
Lu Bai   +14 more
doaj   +1 more source

Local administration of icariin contributes to peripheral nerve regeneration and functional recovery

open access: yesNeural Regeneration Research, 2015
Our previous study showed that systemic administration of the traditional Chinese medicine Epimedium extract promotes peripheral nerve regeneration. Here, we sought to explore the therapeutic effects of local administration of icariin, a major component ...
Bo Chen   +9 more
doaj   +1 more source

Sleeve bridging of the rhesus monkey ulnar nerve with muscular branches of the pronator teres: multiple amplification of axonal regeneration

open access: yesNeural Regeneration Research, 2015
Multiple-bud regeneration, i.e., multiple amplification, has been shown to exist in peripheral nerve regeneration. Multiple buds grow towards the distal nerve stump during proximal nerve fiber regeneration.
Yu-hui Kou   +8 more
doaj   +1 more source

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