Dose-response relationship between lipids and all-cause mortality in the dialysis population: a meta-analysis [PDF]
Background The use of lipid-lowering drugs in the dialysis population has been controversial and there is no target for the dialysis population. Objectives To elucidate the dose-response relationship between lipids and all-cause mortality in the dialysis
Ye Yao, Jing Xiong, Mi-Yuan Wang
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The dose-response relationship between training load and aerobic fitness in academy rugby union players [PDF]
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc. Purpose: To identify the dose-response relationship between measures of training load (TL) and changes in aerobic fitness in academy rugby union players. Method: Training data from 10 academy rugby union players were collected
Abt, Grant+5 more
core +3 more sources
Dose response relationship in anti-stress gene regulatory networks. [PDF]
To maintain a stable intracellular environment, cells utilize complex and specialized defense systems against a variety of external perturbations, such as electrophilic stress, heat shock, and hypoxia, etc.
Qiang Zhang, Melvin E Andersen
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Dose–response relationship between active smoking and lung cancer mortality/prevalence in the Chinese population: a meta-analysis [PDF]
Background The dose‒response relationship-based relative risk (RR) of smoking exposure could better predict the risk of lung cancer than the dichotomous RR.
Feiling Ai+3 more
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A Review of the Dose Justification of Phase 3 Trials to Regulatory Authorities for Drugs Intended for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes in Europe [PDF]
Aims: Cardiovascular outcome trials with anti-diabetic drugs suggest that additional cardiovascular benefit can be achieved independent of improving glycaemic control.
Jeroen V. Koomen+7 more
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Burnout among health care workers is highly prevalent and has profound impact on quality of care. Hospital on‐duty schedules lead to long working hours and short sleeping hours; both are common factors associated with burnout.
R. Lin+3 more
semanticscholar +1 more source
Objective: This study aimed to determine the optimal dose of propofol combined with esketamine to inhibit the response to gastroscope insertion in elderly patients.Methods: This is a prospective, non-controlled, non-randomized, single-center study ...
Yuling Zheng+5 more
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Evaluation of Dose-Painting in the Dominant Intraprostatic Lesions by Radiobiological Parameters using 68Ga- PSMA PET/CT [PDF]
Background: Patients diagnosed with dominant intraprostatic lesions (DIL) may need radiation doses over than 80 Gy. Dose-painting by contours (DPC) is a useful technique which helps the patients. Dose-painting approach need to be evaluated. Objective: To
Khadijeh Bamneshin+6 more
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Oral Mucosal Lesions Associated with Smokers and Chewers – A Case-Control Study in Chennai Population [PDF]
Aims and Objectives: To determine the association of oral mucosal lesions in a group of Chennai population aged 15 years and above with smoking and chewing habits.
Shyam Sundar Behura+2 more
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Objective Previous studies reported significant improvements in static and dynamic balance performance following balance training during adolescence.
Thomas Muehlbauer+3 more
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