Results 1 to 10 of about 851,053 (322)

Post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression in bacterial pathogens by toxin-antitoxin systems [PDF]

open access: yesFrontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2014
Toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems are small genetic elements ubiquitous in prokaryotic genomes that encode toxic proteins targeting various vital cellular functions.
Ralph eBertram, Christopher F Schuster
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Post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression in Yersinia species

open access: yesFrontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2012
Proper regulation of gene expression is required by bacterial pathogens to respond to continually changing environmental conditions and the host response during the infectious process.
Chelsea A Schiano, Wyndham W Lathem
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Engineering transkingdom signalling in plants to control gene expression in rhizosphere bacteria

open access: yesNature Communications, 2019
The root microbiota is critical for promoting crop yield. Here, the authors create a synthetic pathway for the production of the rhizopine scyllo-inosamine in Medicago truncatula and barley, and show its perception by rhizosphere bacteria for targeted ...
Barney A. Geddes   +9 more
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Identification of BvgA-Dependent and BvgA-Independent Small RNAs (sRNAs) in Bordetella pertussis Using the Prokaryotic sRNA Prediction Toolkit ANNOgesic

open access: yesMicrobiology Spectrum, 2021
Noncoding small RNAs (sRNAs) are crucial for the posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression in all organisms and are known to be involved in the regulation of bacterial virulence.
Kyung Moon   +12 more
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Status quo of tet regulation in bacteria

open access: yesMicrobial Biotechnology, 2022
Summary The tetracycline repressor (TetR) belongs to the most popular, versatile and efficient transcriptional regulators used in bacterial genetics. In the tetracycline (Tc) resistance determinant tet(B) of transposon Tn10, tetR regulates the expression
Ralph Bertram   +2 more
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Biological insights from RIL-seq in bacteria [PDF]

open access: yesMethods Mol Biol 2866, 189-206 (2025), 2023
Bacteria reside in constantly changing environments and require rapid and precise adjustments of gene expression to ensure survival. Small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) are a crucial element that bacteria utilize to achieve this. sRNAs are short RNA molecules that modulate gene expression usually through base-pairing interactions with target RNAs, primarily ...
arxiv   +1 more source

Algorithm for the Reconstruction of Mathematical Frame Models of Bacterial Transcription Regulation

open access: yesMathematics, 2022
Transcription regulation plays an important role in bacterial activity. The operon concept coined by François Jacob and Jacques Monod has had a considerable effect on investigations into gene expression regulation, including modeling.
Tatiana N. Lakhova   +5 more
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An Adaptable and Modular Set of Laboratory Exercises Connecting Genotype to Phenotype in Sporulating Bacillus subtilis

open access: yesJournal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 2021
Practical lab exercises that help students draw connections between genotype and phenotype, and make and test predictions about the identity of mutants, are invaluable in college-level cell biology, genetics, and microbiology courses. While many bacteria
Anna L. McLoon   +2 more
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Epigenetic silencing of host cell defense genes enhances intracellular survival of the rickettsial pathogen Anaplasma phagocytophilum. [PDF]

open access: yesPLoS Pathogens, 2009
Intracellular bacteria have evolved mechanisms that promote survival within hostile host environments, often resulting in functional dysregulation and disease.
Jose C Garcia-Garcia   +3 more
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Relationship between the Chromosome Structural Dynamics and Gene Expression—A Chicken and Egg Dilemma?

open access: yesMicroorganisms, 2022
Prokaryotic transcription was extensively studied over the last half-century. A great deal of data has been accumulated regarding the control of gene expression by transcription factors regulating their target genes by binding at specific DNA sites ...
Diana Le Berre   +3 more
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