Metropolis simulations of Met-Enkephalin with solvent-accessible area parameterizations [PDF]
We investigate the solvent-accessible area method by means of Metropolis simulations of the brain peptide Met-Enkephalin at 300$ K$. For the energy function ECEPP/2 nine atomic solvation parameter (ASP) sets are studied. The simulations are compared with one another, with simulations with a distance dependent electrostatic permittivity $\epsilon (r ...
A.H. Juffer+34 more
arxiv +5 more sources
Disparate Effects of Stressors on Met-Enkephalin System Parameters and on Plasma Concentrations of Corticosterone in Young Female Chickens [PDF]
The effects of stressors were examined on Met-enkephalin-related parameters and plasma concentrations of corticosterone in 14-week-old female chickens.
Colin Guy Scanes+1 more
doaj +2 more sources
Reconstructing the free-energy landscape of Met-enkephalin using dihedral Principal Component Analysis and Well-tempered Metadynamics [PDF]
Well-Tempered Metadynamics (WTmetaD) is an efficient method to enhance the reconstruction of the free-energy surface of proteins. WTmetaD guarantees a faster convergence in the long time limit in comparison with the standard metadynamics. It still suffers however from the same limitation, i.e.
François Sicard+2 more
arxiv +4 more sources
Structure of the Energy Landscape of Short Peptides [PDF]
We have simulated, as a showcase, the pentapeptide Met-enkephalin (Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met) to visualize the energy landscape and investigate the conformational coverage by the multicanonical method. We have obtained a three-dimensional topographic picture of the whole energy landscape by plotting the histogram with respect to energy(temperature) and the ...
Berg B. A.+5 more
arxiv +3 more sources
Effective Sampling in the Configurational Space by the Multicanonical-Multioverlap Algorithm [PDF]
We propose a new generalized-ensemble algorithm, which we refer to as the multicanonical-multioverlap algorithm. By utilizing a non-Boltzmann weight factor, this method realizes a random walk in the multi-dimensional, energy-overlap space and explores widely in the configurational space including specific configurations, where the overlap of a ...
B. A. Berg+5 more
arxiv +3 more sources
Research Note: Morphine influences circulating and tissue concentrations of met-enkephalin and proenkephalin (PENK) expression and plasma concentrations of corticosterone in chickens [PDF]
: The effects of the administration of the opioid agonist, morphine, on plasma and tissue concentrations of Met-enkephalin were determined in 14 wk old female chickens.
Colin G. Scanes+1 more
doaj +2 more sources
Biased Metropolis Sampling for Rugged Free Energy Landscapes [PDF]
Metropolis simulations of all-atom models of peptides (i.e. small proteins) are considered. Inspired by the funnel picture of Bryngelson and Wolyness, a transformation of the updating probabilities of the dihedral angles is defined, which uses probability densities from a higher temperature to improve the algorithmic performance at a lower temperature.
Berg, Bernd A.
arxiv +5 more sources
Parallel Tempering Algorithm for Conformational Studies of Biological Molecules [PDF]
The effectiveness of a new algorithm, parallel tempering, is studied for numerical simulations of biological molecules. These molecules suffer from a rough energy landscape. The resulting slowing down in numerical simulations is overcome by the new method.
Eisenmenger+13 more
arxiv +5 more sources
Effects of Restraint Stress on Circulating Corticosterone and Met Enkephalin in Chickens: Induction of Shifts in Insulin Secretion and Carbohydrate Metabolism [PDF]
This study examined the effects of acute restraint stress in the presence or absence of naltrexone on the circulating concentrations of insulin, glucose, Met-enkephalin and corticosterone in 14-week-old chickens [design: 2 sex × 2 stress/non-stress × 2 +/
Colin G. Scanes+2 more
doaj +2 more sources
Avian opioid peptides: evolutionary considerations, functional roles and a challenge to address critical questions [PDF]
The present review considers the putative hormonal opioid peptides in birds. In birds and all other vertebrates, there are four opioid related genes encoding a series of peptides.
Krystyna Pierzchała-Koziec+1 more
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